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Today's practice has been brutal my entire body hurts I'm bruised and just want to go home.

My sister had her babies and maverick has been doing so good so I can't wait to get back to town because I think it's time I claim my girl once and for all.

I lower my body into the cold ice it hurts so good I'm just starting to relax when my phone rings.

"What's up man, congrats on the babies can't wait to see them" I say into the phone to Kingston. "Yeah us too we have another day in the hospital if everything goes good we will have a big get together at the house should be around the time your season ends" he says. "Yeah and yours starts you going to handle all of this and football?" I question him. "Absofuckingloutly" he says on a laugh "do you know who I am" he laughs and it's true he is damn good at what he does.

"But hey I'm calling to see if you heard from Stacey, she didn't show up to the hospital and her phone going straight to voicemail I'm worried" Kingston tells me. My heart drops she would not miss the birth of these babies.

"Cannon you there man?" Yeah I'm here" I say standing from the ice bath and dressing quickly "I'll see what I can do" I tell him and hang up. I'm so worried fuck the after meeting with the team I'm out of here.

The last time I seen her was on our biweek I surprised her at the hospital and we spent the week together we've been messing around for a while now we just never made anything official but she's my girl and she has me worried.

I call her even though Kingston just told me it was going to voicemail, it did just that I left a message then grabbed my shit and headed out for my truck a few teammates asked what was going on and I filled them in. "Cover for me man" I asked my team mate Justin. "I got you" he said as I ran to my truck.

It's been five hours and No one can get a hold of her I'm almost to her house I drove as fast as I could to get here, I pull in the parking lot her spot that's empty and take the steps a time I reach her apartment door and knock then bang.

a pissed of neighbor comes out yelling about the noise I'm making. "Look man you don't want to fuck with me right now." I'm about to break the door down when the man says "she left yesterday some time was bragging about her best friend having a baby or two I don't remeber but she ask me to let her dog out last night I have the key don't break the poor woman's door down"

He unlocks the door and everything looks normal.  her big ass dog greets me excited for someone to be home. I lean down give him some love. "She said she was on her way to the hospital?" I ask the older gentleman yeah she was so happy bouncing out of here is she okay?" He questions and I feel sick. "Just look out for the dog and call me if she comes him" I tell the man writing my number down for him. "Keep me posted please she don't have many people and we look out for each other" he says with a worried expression.

I called the cops but because she is an adult they cant do anything untill its been 48 hours so The only thing I can think to do is drive to the hospital maybe her car broke down or maybe she is walking.

The sun is in full blast it's still march so it's still cool out but not too bad today. I'm driving slowly looking for any trace of her I'm about to give up.when I see a car off the bankment it's smashed up so bad but it's not her car that's when it hits me it's my sister's car! I jump out of my truck down the bankment scratching up my self as I try to get to the car. I get to the car and it's empty blood everywhere but no one there I'm so shaken up I call the police and report it then call my sister.

"Hey big bro" she greets me. "Ayda where are you?" "Um I just had two babies remeber I have at least another day in the hospital." "Your car I say breathless its" she cuts me off "Its probably at Stacey I made her drive my car to take me to the hospital the other day to see mav she was supposed to bring it here but she never showed, what's wrong?" She questions.

Shit I'm not telling her anything until i know something. "Um nothing it wasn't at your house, hey king around?" I ask trying to sound normal.

"Hey" he says. "We have a problem"  I fill him in on what I found  we agree not to tell Ayda as I hang up.

The police now have a reason to listen to me and I'm on a hunt for the girl I love. Please let her be okay I repeat over and over

One Night With Kingston (Saving Her Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant