That moment

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Im sitting here getting as much snuggle time as i can, soaking it all up. I feel watched so I look up to an upset Kingston. Shit I can feel my ears burning I know he knows. I feel like the biggest bitch right now, I break eye contact by looking down.

Dont blink, don't blink, don't blink because if I do I might start crying.

"Hey so what's up?" He ask me looking at me so hard I might catch fire. He pulls up a chair reaching over and running his finger down maverick little baby face.

I smile at him "here your probably ready to give this sweet little baby some daddy lovins, I coo to the baby but really talking to Kingston.

"I don't know you look damn good holding my baby." He says leaning into me. "So I ran into your brother at the after party, he pretty much gave me an earfull and then dropped the bomb on me that I'm going to be a dad" he says leaning back in his chair crossing his arms.

I look down because i don't know what to say. Taking a few breaths I get up and walk over to kaisley who is watching us like a hawk. "Can you take him for a sec" I ask. She takes the baby and smiles.

I turn around to make my way back to Kingston but he is standing behind me he pulls my hand into his and I follow him outside.

We sit under the gazebo the dark sky lit up with stars, it's a nice night. So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on is this baby mine or not?" He flat out ask.

Okay I get why he is mad but I plan to tell him, maybe in time....

My phone rings I pull it out "hold that though I have to take this,  I'm all yours after deal?" He smirks "Yeah deal"

I walk down the walk way a bit far enough I don't think he will hear me but not too far that I can't see him.

"Hello" I say into the phone to my brother. "Ayda, I might have ran into Kingston at the after party tonight and" I cut him off. "And might have said something to him about my pregnancy and and he was the dad"

"Shit, Ayda I swear I didn't mean for it to come out like that I just heard you up last night sick by your self again and he deserved to be put in place" I roll my eyes "Its fine it was bound to come out sooner or later I need to stop being a baby and talk to him, he's here now so I will see you at home tonight or you staying at the dorms?" I question. "Wait he's there do you need me to come to you I swear if he does one stupid thing" CANNON I shout at him it's fine I will call you later okay?" "Yeah call me later because I'm not coming home tonight, I love you" "I love you too" and we hang up.

I want to be mad at my brother but he really did mean well I'm sure he has a bit of temper I think that's why he is a good hockey player puts all that pent up energy into something.

I nervously walk back to Kingston. "Can I share my side before you catch me on fire with your stare?" I start my story before I get an answer back from him.

" I was dragged to this high school party by a friend of mine, i didnt want to go. I met this boy he was kinda cocky but not in a bad way but in a way he made you feel like your the only girl in the room, so he walks over and talks to me, he tells me I'm beautiful and I'm pretty much the girls he's been looking for, we ditch the part and hang out in his room I learned a lot about him like he can draw, and loves photography, he got a scholarship to Harvard playing football and he was so excited he talked about his dreams on how he wants to own his own team one day, I told him a lot about myself that day then he kissed me and it was the best night of my life I gave him something no one else has ever had, after that we joined the rest of the party then ended up.back in bed with him, Then I wait for him at school to see where this may go because I thought we shared something special but he walked in with another girl wrapped around him, it hurt but nothing hurt worse then going to his house to tell him I was pregnant and he all but pushed me out of his driveway so his girlfriend don't get mad he didn't even hear me out so I gave up I knew I was a mistake after you told me at least twice I was anyways, and here I am sitting here telling you that I'm not pregnant with your baby I watch his face fall I clear my throat but I am pregnant with your twin babies" I say smiling I reach down and pull the ultrasound pic I keep behind my library badge out and hand it to him. Here this is baby A and Baby B.

One Night With Kingston (Saving Her Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now