Chapter 34

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Chapter 34:

Anaira woke up next morning with a killer headache. She also felt a bit feverish. She hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night.
All she did was to bawl her eyes out.

It felt like a worst nightmare. She couldn't believe he had put her through hell just because of his stupid assumptions.

She knew how a good relationship worked. She had witnessed it in her own house. Her parents and her brother and sister-in-law, they were the best examples. She knew that TRUST and RESPECT for each other are the foundation of any good relationship.

She had trusted him and she had loved him with all her heart. The hurtful things that he had said kept ringing in her ears. How can he expect her to forget all that and forgive him? she wondered.

She pushed her thoughts aside and got up to make herself a cup of coffee. She decided to take a day off today. They didn't have any meetings or any important things to be done as well. She thought she would work from home if there was anything that needed her attention immediately.

Another reason for her to skip office was because she didn't want to face him. She would definitely breakdown.

She called Aditya's dad and informed him about working from home.

"Anu, are you alright beta?" he asked her as her voice sounded very feeble.

"I'm fine uncle. I'm just feeling a bit tired. Please let me know if anything needs to be done. I'll do it." she told him.

"Alright, don't worry about work. Take care of yourself." he told her.

"It was Anaira. She's taking a day off. She said that she's not feeling well." he told his wife. They were having breakfast when Anaira had called. Aditya was there as well. He was just playing with his food not really having an appetite.

He was not home the previous night. He had slept in his apartment after drinking quite a bit trying to ease the pain that he was feeling. But he had come home early in the morning as he had a meeting to attend. He had to get fresh and leave for office.

When his dad told him that Anaira is taking a day off because she isn't feeling well, he knew that it was because of him. He was the reason that she isn't feeling well. He was really angry, angry at himself.

"I will go visit her today. There's no one to take care of her here." Aditya's mom told her husband to which he nodded.

"Adi, why are you not eating your breakfast?" she asked her son seeing that he hardly ate anything from his plate.

"I'm not hungry mom. I'll have something later in the office." he said and left though his mom tried stopping him.


Anaira was sleeping when her doorbell rang. She wondered who it might be, because she wasn't expecting anyone.

She was surprised to see Aditya's mom standing at the doorstep. She welcomed her and both the ladies sat on the couch.

"I'm fine aunty. I'm just feeling a bit tired. I think it's because of Simran's wedding." she told when Aditya's mom asked her. She looked really dull as if someone had sucked the life out of her. Aditya's mom didn't believe her reason. She knew from her state that something else was bothering Anaira. But she didn't want to force her to tell if she wasn't willing to.

Anaira felt bad lying to her. She cared for Anaira so much. She even came to her house to see if she was alright. It really touched her heart.

But what could she even possibly tell her? That she was in this state because of her son? she thought better than that. The problems that they had were between her and Aditya. She definitely didn't want to involve anyone else.

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