Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Previous part was stopped at this.

"Adi, please. It's not like that. I know what we have now, our relationship it's different. We are not a couple officially and we don't have a name for it. I'm not forcing you to give it a name. It doesn't look good for me to accept these things from you until we have something defined between us. Please don't feel bad." Anaira explained herself.


Anaira had indirectly told him that she was not okay with them having a nameless relationship.

Aditya looked at Anaira and he was really hurt. "Is this what you think about our relationship? That it's nothing?" he asked her.

"No, I didn't say that. I know we have something.. something special and it means a lot to me."  she replied almost on the verge of crying.

"When you gave me a gift, I accepted it Anaira. I didn't give you any reasons. Now when I'm giving you something why can't you accept it the same way?" he asked her.

"Because this is gold and it's expensive. I have told you that already." she told him.

"Alright, just forget it. Sorry it's my mistake I got you this. I understand now how much you value what we have between us. Apparently this gold is costlier than our relationship." he told her bitterly.

"Please you know that's not true." Anaira said she had tears in her eyes by now. She tried holding Aditya's hand but he took a step back.

"Then what's stopping you from accepting this? Don't you trust me? Don't you know that you're hurting me by rejecting this?" he questioned her.

Anaira didn't know what to say. She was confused. She had thought of telling him that she loves him after telling him about her truth. What would happen if he got angry after getting to know about her?

But she decided that what matters now is  Aditya's feelings. She can't hurt him and she didn't want them to fight over this now.

"I'm sorry." she said.

"It's okay. I'll leave now." he said and turned to leave.

Anaira held his hand and stopped him. "I will accept your gift." she said.

"You don't have to accept it because I'm upset." he said.

"No, I'm sorry for overthinking. I want my gift now and it's not because you're upset. I'm accepting it because that's what my heart wants me to do." she said hugging him and whispering sorry again.

"Adi, I'm accepting this on one condition. I will keep it with me but the day you make me feel like I don't mean anything to you, I will give it back to you." she said.

"Okay mam. I agree to your condition. Happy now?" he asked her not willing to start another argument. He decided that he needs to take a step further now. He has to officially ask her to be his girlfriend. He wanted to do it as soon as possible.

"These are beautiful! Thanks." she said.

"Thank you for accepting this." he said hugging her again.

"Anaira, do you trust me?" he asked her still holding her in his arms.

"I do. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking earlier. I shouldn't have said all that." she said.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. Everything will be fine soon. Trust me, okay?" he asked her.

Anaira just hummed in response. Trying to hug him more tightly. In that moment, all she wanted to do was to trust him with her heart.

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