Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

It was Saturday finally and Anu was all set to leave for Mumbai. Her dad and mom were going along with her to drop her off. Her mom wanted to make sure the place where she stayed in Mumbai was convenient and safe for her daughter.

For Anaira it was not a complete new experience. She had stayed alone in London when she was doing her post graduation. She was 23 turning 24 in a few months and she was happy to have experienced  the independent life in London.

She had learnt many things from that. Being self reliant, independent and she had emotionally become very strong. She also did a part time job while she stayed in London. Though her mom didn't like it , her dad was proud of Anu.

She bid goodbye to her brother and sister in law. Rishi had come to the airport as well and he wished her luck. Anuj told her that he's just a phone call away if there is anything wrong and told her to be safe. Sneha told her that she will call her everyday.

She boarded the plane with her parents. It was just 2.5 hours journey. They reached the Mumbai airport and Anaira's father's friend was there to receive them.

Pankaj Kapoor was a well known businessman in India. He had his business extended to the US as well. Pankaj and Rakesh met through business contacts but had remained very good friends and helped each other when needed.

Pankaj had infact insisted that Anaira should stay in their house. But Rakesh had politely refused. The reason was that nobody in the office had to know that Anaira was Pankaj's friend's daughter. He did not want Anaira to get special treatment. He wanted his daughter to learn everything from the scratch.

Anaira was going to work under Pankaj's son Aditya. Aditya was very strict when it came to business. He had helped Pankaj in business after he finished his studies four years ago. Aditya had turned 28 and he was a very reserved person and didn't talk much other than business. He was a kind of no nonsense person.

Employee's in the office feared Aditya more than Pankaj. He spared no one if they didn't do their job properly. He had helped his dad to take the company to new heights. The project in the US was started by Aditya and was running very successfully now.

Pankaj had not told his son that Anaira was his friend's daughter. There were two reasons. One was that he knew Aditya doesn't like these kind of things in business and he would refuse to accept and mentor Anaira. Secondly even if he did accept to mentor Anaira, as per Rakesh's request he didn't want Aditya to treat Anaira any different than a normal employee.

Pankaj had not told about Anaira to his wife Kavita as well. He knew that Kavita was not the one to keep secrets. She would tell Adi about this in a jiffy and she wouldn't even realize that she has spilled a secret. She was a very nice person and pure soul.

Pankaj dropped Anaira and her parents in their apartment and left as he had a business meeting to attend. He promised them that he will join them for lunch the next day.

The apartment where Anaira was going to stay was situated near to her office. It was a 30 minutes drive to the office from the apartment. Her dad had purchased the apartment few years ago. Nobody was staying there but a maid was appointed to clean it every week. Anaira's dad stayed there whenever he went to Mumbai for business.

Anaira and her parents ordered food as they had no groceries to cook at home. Anaira's mom reminded her that they have to go grocery shopping the next day and they retired for the day.

Next day, Anu and her mom went to a nearby grocery store and got what they wanted. Anaira's mom cooked a delicious meal in the afternoon and Pankaj joined them for lunch as promised. Anaira's dad was to leave for Delhi that evening and her mom was to leave after few days.

After sending off Rakesh, mom and daughter duo sat chit chatting with a cup of chai. Anaira was a bit tensed thinking about the office. Her mom cheered her up by saying that she's going to rock it.

END of Chapter 3!

A/N: Please vote and comment. If you have any suggestions please do let me know. Thank you! 😊

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