22 - Above the Water

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It was February 24th, 1995, the day of the second task.

Just before 9:30 a.m. the students began to assemble at the dock by the Black Lake. The murky water was uninvitingly dark, and nearly everyone could imagine how terrifying it would be beneath its surface.

Ellie awoke that morning with a jittery feeling in her stomach, finding that Cedric had already left the Hufflepuff basement. Floods of yellow-dressed students emerged the castle, showcasing their support for Cedric while a smaller portion was dressed in red.

Ellie trotted down to the Black Lake, immediately meeting up with the Weasley twins. They carried the same bet boxes they had used during the first task, yelling out bets to the oncoming students.

"Any bets? Any bets? Come on, place your bets! Step up, mates! Don't be shy! Three lads. One lady. Four go down. But do four come up?"

Another redhead came to purposely bump between the twins, causing them all to turn around to look at her.

"Don't be so mean," the girl retorted at the twins before glancing at Ellie. "I'm Ginny, by the way. Their sister."

"Pleasure to meet you, Ginny," Ellie smiled before the twins turned on their heel with a shrug as they continued their bets.

"Any bets? Fleur's 10-1," the twins continued loudly.

The three of them soon approached the boats at the deck, and the redheads sat in front of Ellie. The boat began to row itself across the lake, making its way towards three massive stands set up in the middle.

"Oh, quit your worrying," Fred told Ellie, noticing the effects of Ellie's shaking leg.

"You're not even participating, yet you seem even more worried than the champions," George added.

"Be quiet. I don't want to hear it," Ellie grumbled as the boat slowed to a stop, and the three of them stepped onto the platform of the middle tower.

"Welcome to the second task," Dumbledore's voice echoed. "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion... now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough, except for this: They will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon."

Ellie watched as the four champions assembled at the platform, overlooking the deep waters of the Black Lake. She caught a glimpse of Harry's gagging, and she turned away with disgust. Cedric turned around to Ellie, waving at her with a warm smile.

"Good luck," Ellie mouthed, and he turned back around with an excited hop, adjusting his watch on his wrist.

The blasting sound of a cannon suddenly erupted, scaring the surrounding students. The four champions dove in swiftly, Harry being one of the last as Professor Moody pushed him in.

Ellie stared at the water in anticipation, feeling breathless as she worried for both her best friend and girlfriend. The water didn't move, making the time pass by all the more longer. Soon, twenty minutes passed, and Fleur emerged from the water, sputtering as she was helped onto the platform.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Miss Delacour... has unfortunately been forced to retire... so she will take no further part in this task," Dumbledore announced as Fleur shivered defeatedly.

Ellie paced the platform worriedly, mimicking the actions of Professor Moody while the twins continued to offer bets over the next thirty minutes.

Cedric finally broke the surface, carrying Cho alongside him. Ellie whooped cheerfully as the Hufflepuff swam back to the platform, surrounded by the supporting students of Hogwarts.

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