15 - The Perfect Attire

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It was Christmas Eve of 1994, and the snow fell heavily among the grounds. Most of the students had opted to stay inside their dorms on this chilly Saturday, but Cedric had other plans for Ellie. After learning about her need of a dress, Cedric practically pushed her out of the basement, rushing to make sure they made it in the shops before closing. Of course, Ellie had a good reason for not purchasing it sooner, as her roommates had told her that all the dresses were sold out.

"How'd it go? She said yes, I presume?" Ellie questioned as she clutched Cedric arm for warmth, leaning close to him as they made their way to Hogsmeade.

"She did," Cedric beamed as he thought about the Ravenclaw. "And what about you? Still no date?"

"Uh... it's complicated," Ellie explained. "But I'm perfectly fine going on my own."

Cedric smiled warmly as they continued to walk, the snow crunching underneath their shoes as they walked on the dimly lit pathway. They eventually made it to the town, stopping just in front of the pop-up shop labeled Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions.

Ellie attempted to open the door, but it seemed to be locked in place despite its bright lights.

"I'm sorry! Let me go get that for you," a high-pitched voice called out from the back.

The two watched as a squat woman dressed in various shades of purple waddled towards the door, a pair of half-rimmed spectacles sitting on the bridge of her nose. She unlocked the door with her wand, and it swung open to let the Hufflepuffs inside.

"So sorry for locking it so early. I wasn't expecting anyone else to purchase dresses, especially with the ball tomorrow," Malkin apologized as walked behind her desk to grab her clipboard. "How can I help this fine couple tonight?"

"Oh- we're not uh... not together," Ellie quickly countered as Cedric merely snickered.

"Bummer," the lady frowned. "You two look rather dashing together."

"Yeah, yeah," Cedric dismissed with a light chuckle. "Anyway, my friend here needs a dress for the ball. Her roommates had told her they were all sold out. Is that the case?"

Madam Malkin made her way around the desk and removed the tape measure from around her neck. She clicked her tongue as she shook her head, already measuring Ellie's limbs.

"You should've come to me earlier. You would've had a much larger selection to choose from," Malkin sighed. "Luckily for you, I have one dress in your size. It's the very last that's appropriate for such an event. Unfortunately, it's a little pricier that average. Nonetheless, I think it'd suit you well. Would you like to try it on?"

Ellie looked to Cedric with an apologetic expression, knowing all too well that she wouldn't be able to afford it. Cedric dismissed her look with a wave as he turned to Malkin eagerly.

"She'd love to," he decided for her.

Madam Malkin clasped her hands together excitedly as she skipped to the backroom, gesturing for the two to sit at the couch in front of the fitting rooms.

"Cedric, I can't afford it," Ellie whispered worriedly.

"Don't worry about the price. Just try it on," Cedric encouraged in a low voice, though Ellie's reluctance only grew.

Malkin emerged from the curtain, holding the dress above her head as she hung it on the racks in one of the fitting rooms. She left the door open for Ellie as she placed a pair of heels on the ground.

The Hufflepuff stepped inside nervously as she admired the gown hung on the hanger. After undressing quickly, she slipped the dress over her body, cracking the door open slowly to allow Madam Malkin to zip up the back. She put on the heels to pair with it before she ran her slender fingers through her waves in attempt to appear more presentable. The Hufflepuff peeked her head out of the door first, and Cedric looked up as he gave an encouraging smile. She creaked it open even wider and finally stepped out into the light. Cedric's jaw dropped at the sight, readjusting himself on the couch as he leaned forward breathlessly.

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