Chapter 8

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I woke up to Martavion moving around getting up. He smiled at me once he seen me woke. He was on that phone of course. He put on his shirt and I sat up and he kissed me. Last night felt like heaven on earth child my pussy was so happy.!

He went into the bathroom and my phone started ringing. It was my moms number. "Hello.?!" I said answering. I seen that I had a couple miss calls and text.

Hey Mag can you come over some time today please.? I heard her sniffling crying.

Uhhh yeah what's wrong.? I asked.

I just need you right where right.!

Ma I'll be over soon okay. Is he there.?


Okay get your things together.! I'll be there shortly. I said before hanging up. Martavion came out the bathroom stepping into his shoes.

"Hold in real quick.?!" He said taking the phone from his ear. He places it on mute. "Am I gonna see you again or is this it.?" He questioned with a smirk on his face.

You can see me again.! I smiled shyly.

Oh word.? How about for dinner your old favorite place.?

Yes I would love that.! I just have to stop by my moms and I will see you later.

Don't stand me up and disappear Magic.! He said sternly looking me into my eyes.

I won't.! That was a one time thing Martavion, I missed you and I'm sorry.!

I miss you too baby girl.! Call me if you need anything Ight.?

Okay.! I smiled and he leaned down and kissed me. "I love you.!"

I love you too.! He smiled picking his phone back up. "Ight so if I give you 6kilos I need an even 170,000 back guarantee.! You play with my money and ima kill you.!" He said as he walked out the door on the phone. That dope drug dealer Shit was sexy as fuck.! I went to the bathroom and took a shower. My body was feeling amazing. I felt like a whole new woman honestly.

I got out the shower and put some lotion on. It was a little cold outside today so I put on a pair of leggings my A'different Vibe hoodie and jean jacket with my all black Jordan 12's. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed my phone, keys and purse.

I left the hotel and got into the car. My first stop was Tim Hortons to get a wild berry smoothie. I had to have one of these everyday they was so good.! I pulled up to my mom house and put my purse in the trunk. I didn't plan on staying here long just to make sure she was taken some where safe. She opened the door like she was sad and let me in.

Are you okay.? I asked hugging her.

Magic you where right.! He is going to kill me.! She said fearlessly walking to the kitchen. I sat at the table and she began to pour two cups of tea.

What happened.?

Well happened Magic.! She said nonchalant sitting down placing the tea in front of me. She took a sip of hers and wiping the tears from her face.

Me.? I questioned with laughter in my voice.

Yes you.! He wants you all he cared about was you and seeing you.! Said if I didn't get you to participate than he was going to kill me.!

Participate in what.? I questioned. I felt a strong blow to the back of my head making me fall to the floor spilling the hot tea all over me burning my legs. My vision was blurry and I could bearly see someone standing over me.

Yo big dum ass done made her spill the tea get her to the basement.! I could hear my mom voice say angrily.!

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