Chapter 45

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Yo what's up with you.! Malachi asked pissed off coming into the office. He slammed the door closed.

You got something you wanna get off yo chest.? I asked defending myself.

Yeah I fuckin do but I ain't about to put yo business out here for muthafuckas to hear. You got me fucked up Magic.!

I got you fucked up.? Nigga you came in here on shit.!

Yeah cause you been doing the most stupidest shit Magic.! I can't take this shit no more.! Matter fact get up get the fuck up. Let's go.! He yelled. I never seen Malachi this mad before.

He threw my sweater at me and I put it on. I followed him out the door and we got in his car once we was away from the trap he pulled over.

What the fuck is wrong with you.? Are you stupid.? He started yelling furiously. "What the fuck makes you wanna sniff fuckin cocaine.? Your fuckin smart as hell and you know what that shit does to people are you serious.?!"

Who told you.?!

Lani cause you doing that shit.! Not only was you high in front of my daughter but in front of your daughter. MAJESTY LOOKS UO TO YOU.! YOU BEEN AVOIDING BEINF A MOTHER TO FUCKIN GET HIGH.?!

It's not to get high Malachi it makes me numb. I don't feel any pain. I was shot in my fuckin side. I lost two kids not one but fuckin two.! This shit hurts.!!!! I can't even function without thinking about Martavion.! Every time I close my fuckin eyes All I see his him in the grave. My mind is going crazyyyyyy without my husband. That was my BestFriend.! I can't eat.! I can't fuckin sleep.! I can't do anything I'm depressed as shit. I bearly know how to love my life. I don't know how to hold my anger in. That shit makes me forget about everything.! I see how numb it makes people and I just wanna feel numb. I don't wanna cry no more. All I do is cry, I don't wanna be hurt or feel this pain.!

I can't believe I'm about to fuckin do this.... you got yo ID.?! He asked with his head laying against the window.


He pulled off without saying a word. I felt so stupid. How could I let Lani catch me doing that. I just wanted all my pain to go away.! I didn't wanna feel anything. I wasn't paying attention to how angry and mean this drug was making me. I just been threw so much in my life and this was my last straw.

He pulled into the airport and got out. "Where are we going.?!"

You'll see let's go.! He said leaving his gun under the seat. I followed him into the airport and he got our flights.

We made it to a departing gate just in time. I don't know where the fuck we was going but I was confused. Malachi was so mad I didn't wanna ask any questions.
I took the inside seat and Malachi sat next to me.

Two hours later our flight was landing and we was in Buffalo New York. I was confused as all hell. I followed Malachi off the plane and to where the cars was parked. He already had a car here. I was confused because technically this was not a rental.

He got in driving off. He drove for about 30 minutes. It was so dark outside and I couldn't really see where was going. He finally pulled up to this house that looked old and abandoned. He pulled all the way into the back and got out the car opening my door for me to get out. He reached under the mat at the back door and unlocked the door.

Malachi what is this.? I asked confused.

You need to see this.! He opened the door and I walked in first. The house was furnished nicely. Somebody was living here. I heard shower wanted running. The door opened and a man walked out. He stood at 6'6, sand my brown curly hair, he had beautiful eyes like  Martavion, his chest and arms was so bug and bulk and he had all of Martavions tattoos. His body was glistening in water, and his lower half was wrapped in a towel.

What you doing here.?! He asked shocked and surprised.

Is this some sick fuckin joke.? I asked pissed off.

Magic it's somethings that happened that could not be told.....

Could not be told.! Yo get me the fuck out of here right now.! Your playing in my fuckin face right?


No yo ass need to listen to this shit.! Malachi yelled.

Hold on bro why you yellin.

You wanna tell him or you want me.?

Fuck y'all.! I turned around to leave I got even angrier. He grabbed my arms and pulled me back into the livingroom.

She needs you and that's all ima say.! Malachi said pushing me into him. He grabbed my face and examined my eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed.

You been sniffin.? He asked and I closed my eyes because this wasn't real right now.! This wasn't happening.! This was not Martavion.!

Magic open your eyes.! He said so calmly which scared me. I opened my eyes and tears flew down my face.

This isn't real and I'm dreaming.!

No your not.!!! He pulled me into a bedroom and closed the door behind him. "You wanna tell me what's going on.?!" "What are you doing.?!" "You out here on that shit.!?"

What am I doing.? You faked your fuckin death.! Do you know what you did to me.? Fuck that.!!! Do you know what the fuck you did to my fuckin kids.! I hate you.!!!! I smacked him across his face I know he tasted blood.

Magic it's not what you think baby.!

Baby.?! Don't baby me.! I hate you.! I hate you.! I hate you.! I screamed over and over again as I hit him. He grabbed me and hugged me tight.

I'm sorry, this had to be done.!

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