(30) Papa and You

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Your POV

BTS' single is right around the corner. Namjoon has been busy on social media and Chanyeol has become clingy. Every time his father would go and deal with the promotion of the single, Chanyeol would become impossible.

He would do anything possible to not let Namjoon do any work from his laptop. If his father would go to the office, he would do anything possible to do something that would have his dad running out the room to make sure he's ok.

You've tried. You really have. Every time you would try and distract Chanyeol so his father would do the work, he would look for Namjoon. Even trying to flip his- and YOUR sleep schedule to be opposite to Namjoon's backfired. By the time Namjoon was going to sleep, Chanyeol was waking up and preventing his father from sleeping.

Today was your fifth day and you were determined to sneak Namjoon out to his studio so he could do some work.

You had to wake Namjoon up while Chanyeol was asleep. That was easy, right? You were just as exhausted as Namjoon was.

"Joonie..." you had just woken up and were trying to not just lay down next to Namjoon. "Hey," you whispered and shook Namjoon's shoulder, trying to shake him awake.

He groaned from under the covers and moved around, exposing his shoulder, his bare shoulder. You felt your face slightly heat up but you tried to convince yourself he was wearing a tank top- maybe. Right? "What time is it?" He rolled around, exposing his bare chest to you. A small gasp slipped past your lips and you covered your mouth in shock and to hide the blush of your face. Namjoon seemed to have noticed you hiding your face but didn't care or understand as he sat up and let the blanket fall down to his waist. "What is it, you ok?"

Your eyes wandered down but you quickly turned to have your back face him. "You're not wearing a shirt." You blinked, and slightly jumped when you could feel him shifting around to get closer to you. "No. no, wait-" your hands touched his chest and you went beet red.

"What's the matter?" You can just hear the smirk of his face. "If we want to get to know each other isn't it time you get used to seeing me shirtless." He leaned forward and placed his head on your shoulder, his lips on your ear. "You're really tense this morning. I was sure you'd seen me shirtless before..."

You pulled your hand away to hide your face. Your face only turned redder when Namjoon's hands went around his waist and he pulled you onto his lap, well one of his thighs as he had crossed his legs to sit on the bed.

"Oppa- eek!" He kissed you on the cheek.

You didn't understand why you were so startled. "Good morning." It was dark out but the lamp of the room lit up the room enough to let the two of you be able to see one another better. "How are you today?"

You shook your head. "Chanyeol's finally asleep, you should head to the studio now. Isn't the single coming out today?" He nodded and reached back as if to grab his phone and then he went back to wrap his arms around your waist while looking at his phone. "I have it here. You can watch it while I shower." He was too casual about being shirtless around you.

I mean, he did have to be really intimate with someone to have as cute a kid as Chanyeol.

"Really?" You tried to not respond physically to whatever you were thinking and reached out for the phone Namjoon held. "Isn't it illegal?" He chuckled and kissed your shoulder.

He smiled and pressed play on the video. "I'm sure it isn't, Bun," he spoke and placed a peck on your shoulder before turning you around and putting you down on the bed while facing him. He didn't have crazy dominant abs but he you could see the outline. His arms, God his arms. He's just hot. "Not what you imagined?"

Why did he look so sad?

You didn't control your facial expression- shit. "It's better." You placed your hand on his peck, grinning. "Why?" You ran your hand down and you stopped when your hand found its way around the back of his neck.

He shook his head and he finally smiled. "No reason." He kissed you and pulled you up by your waist to meet your lower bodies together. You giggled and pulled his head down to kiss him better. He let out a small groan and he tilted his head back. "Shit shit shit." He let go of you and stood up from the bed in a rush.

Did you do something wrong?

As if he could read your mind? "I swear I heard something from the kitchen-" you rose just as fast, your oversized pajama shirt flapped around and the sound of your socked feet echoed in the room as you rushed to the dark kitchen, past Namjoon. "I think he-"

You walked through the dark, spotting Chanyeol on the floor just as soon as Namjoon turned the light on. "Of course you're up..." you sighed and rolled to sit on the floor with a small thud.

You glanced up at Namjoon who was leaning against the counter beside you. "Chanyeol." He was serious. "What's the matter?"

Chanyeol's eyes were red, swollen- as if he had been crying. He looked up at Namjoon and spread his hands out, crying out to him. "Papa!!" He cried and you helped Chanyeol be lifted up to his father's arms. "I had a bad dweam!!" He cried and hugged Namjoon tightly.

"It's ok, it's alright." He shushed the crying child and kissed the top of his head. "What was it about Bub?"

He looked back at you and a pout formed on his face before he turned to look back at Namjoon. Was it about you?

Chanyeol tried not to cry and started mumbling under his breath but whatever he was saying was being interrupted by the small hiccups and the sobs that slipped past his lips.

"What is it Chan?" He tried to meet eyes with his son while you stood. "Don't want to say it in front of Y/N?" He shook his head and wiped his tears. "No? Well, how about we go to your room and talk? Yes?" He nodded and cried.

You couldn't help but feel a sudden hint of sadness, thinking Chanyeol no longer liked you.

What did you do last night that had him acting like that.

You sat on the floor and contemplated.

Maybe you shouldn't have forced him to take a bath in exchange for cookies...

The floor was nice and cool. You laid flat on the ground and took a deep breath. The skin on your thighs was exposed and you felt the cool feeling on your skin.

The door that had been closed by Namjoon was opened but you didn't bother looking around. Namjoon cleared his throat.

"I think I'm staying home for the release of the single." You raised a brow, sitting up to crawl around and wrap your arms around his leg. "He had a nightmare." You hummed. "Apparently he thought I would take you away from him. He talked and said that he wanted us to be together like we are." The kid's either very smart or he caught his dad kissing his babysitter on the bed. "He loves you but is embarrassed to say whatever he wanted to say."

You let go of Namjoon's leg to let him sit on the floor next to you. "He doesn't hate me?" Namjoon shook his head. You rested your head on Namjoon's shoulder. "Thank God..." you sighed and opened your eyes. "You're still shirtless."

Namjoon laughed. "Don't like it. I can go put a shirt-"

"When do you have a day off?" You looked up at him.

He started counting with his fingers. "In a week or so. Why?"

"Would it be possible to spend time together... alone?" Your face bloomed red. "With Chanyeol is just fine too- I don't have a problem going on a da-"

"A date?" He sounded a little too eager. "Really? It's not too fast? I swear I've been meaning to ask you for the longest but I didn't know if you would agree to go." You sighed and wrapped your arm around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the lips just to be followed by a tiny gasp.

The two of you turned to look at the owner of that small sound. Chanyeol.

"Papa and Y/N-" he covered his mouth.

"Awe you two in wove????"

(I'll be going on break until about mid-October now to get ready for school, thanks for reading and please try and be patient , I promise I'll upload about every two weeks after I come back TT)

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