(02) Kim Namjoon

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Your POV

It took weeks of waiting after applying for the job online for you to then receive a new letter. As soon as the letter arrived, your mother came barging into the room with great excitement. The opened letter, which of course was once again addressed to you and clearly opened by her was held in hand. "Y/N!, Y/N!" she jumped in excitement. "You got it! You got the job!" She jumped up and down in great excitement resembling a child. You would pay more attention to what was being said if you weren't being woken up by your excited mother's loud yelling.

"Huh? What'd you say?" you wiped the drool off your face and looked over your shoulder to look at your mom, behind her all the light that easily blinded you and stopped you from seeing her clearly. "Which one of the five?" you asked and sat up, your hair slightly covering your face as you looked around the room, blinking multiple times to just try and adjust your eyes to the air and the bright sun. Your mother wasted no time walking up to the windows and opening the blinds. Letting all the light in to blind you even more. "No!!! Mom, what are you doing?!"

Your mom handed you the letter. "You got it! I knew it, this was the perfect job for you. You see when I say 'mother knows best' I know what I'm talking about." Totally, she's never said that about the hundreds of jobs you've applied for and got rejected from. She sat on the bed beside you and looked at you excitedly, letter in hands and on top of her lap perfectly neat. You simply focused on blinking your eyes multiple times to force them to adjust to the bright light entering the room. "The babysitting job," she spoke and the small, small amount of excitement you had building up in your half-asleep body instantly faded. Your face twisted in confusion and you were finally awake, with great disappointment, may you add.

"You mean that weird online interview? It seems like a scam, I might just get kidnapped by some random pervert. It'll be all your fault!" you yawned, stretching around and smiling at her. It was always like you to be so negative. Who wouldn't be? Just who makes an online survey to get a babysitter instead of meeting them in person. It's too shady. Well, at least your dad won't yell at you because you TRIED and risked dying- if you come back alive. If you don't you'll at least not be forced to go back to hell to then work in a boring job for the rest of your boring life.

Your mother tapped your legs softly, the smile still bright on her lips. "Ok, sweetie you start working tomorrow so go to sleep early. Rest." She left you with the letter and left you alone in the bright, now silent room. At least she seems happy... enough for the two of you.

You stared down at the letter, a pout forming on your mouth. "This seems to be troublesome..." you told yourself, putting the letter on your nightstand. Should you start writing your will? What will you be leaving behind? Your broken down laptop that doesn't work without having it plugged in? Your old phone that is just begging to be shut off? Lots to think about...

The day went by and nothing interesting happened, it was just a normal day if you got past your mother's unusual excitement and awfully nice behavior. Unlike your mother, your father was concerned and decided to hand you a hot pink pepper spray bottle to take just in case.

The following day you found yourself standing in front of a stranger's door, your hands and bottom lip shaking due to the many nerves but you had to calm down. No matter how good college seems, you know that would really disappoint your parents and your mother will SURELY kill you without a moment's hesitation. You took a deep breath and bit your lower lip to stop it from shaking. What were you doing?

Going back home was probably the smartest idea, rather die mentally than physically. You spun on your heel, turning around to head back home but stopped as soon as the door was opened right behind you. "Ummm... Miss. Y/N?" you closed your eyes, sighing. You were never good with people and that's probably the reason why you never got a job after interviews but you had to try this time. It was your last shot.

You forced your best smile and spun back around to face the man who called out to you."Yes... Nice to meet you. I'm the new babysitter- and holy pretzels, you're Kim Namjoon!" you stepped back in shock as any normal person would and found yourself tripping and almost falling back but you luckily stopped yourself from falling by holding onto the handrail of the stairs. 

 As you said, this is going to be troublesome... 

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