(22) Story Time

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Your POV

"Chanyeol's mother... She was an average woman I met at a very young age. I fell in love with her, I thought - I thought she was a great person. She looked like it- at first- at first- she seemed like the perfect girl. No flaws- none. I thought I knew her." Namjoon told you the story calmly, attempting to maintain his composure. You listened quietly, playing with your thumbs. Processing whatever it was he was saying.

As Namjoon spoke, his eyes never looked up at yours. He looked down at his lap and at his hands. "Yet as soon as I rose to fame; as soon as I was getting popular and started going on more and more tours... she became more... distant?" He didn't seem to know what it was that he was trying to explain. "I didn't think much of it, I mean- I just thought she was sad because I was so busy with work. Turns out she got pregnant last time I had free time. She had my kid- my son, right?" He shifted around uncomfortably.

"She chose to tell me as soon as Christmas break came around. I was- overjoyed, who wouldn't be? My job was finally getting all the credit it deserved after all the hard work- I don't mean to sound cocky- that sounded cocky. I just mean... After so much hard work, we were finally getting some recognition." Of course one would be overjoyed. You could see the small smile build on his lips just as fast as it disappeared.

"I took a longer break. We didn't need more tours for almost a whole year so I wanted to help her grow our son in the womb. So she wouldn't have any struggles. I was barely out of the house and did everything she asked for." He sounded sad as he spoke and you sat still, taking every single word in. "Yet... she still acted just as dry- just as sad." He slightly choked on his words. "I didn't know why until I found out that she was just using me- for my money. She had a lover and she was planning on leaving Chanyeol under my care. She wanted fame, she wanted to be known out there. Who was I to try and stop her- I tried, but I guess she wanted to find happiness elsewhere... away from her son; from me."

You weren't even close to figuring out what the truth was. The sad look on Namjoon's face alone should've told the story itself. "It was a whole year- I didn't- I didn't notice at all. I was so caught up with work that I never noticed the obvious hints. She didn't love me- she just wanted to have the kid and disappear. She did. Ever since then, I haven't heard from her. I have to admit, I spent all of Chanyeol's life hoping that she would come back and that she would apologize for being wrong about everything and that she just wants to be a part of her son's life once again."

"Then what changed that?" Words slipped past your tongue and you were surprised by your own words. "Sorry- I didn't want to interrupt your train of thought."

He sighed and closed his eyes for a split second. "Hope."

"Hope?" You leaned forward a little bit, more interested in something positive about his life.

"Hope that not all people are as heartless as she was." He looked at you dead in your eyes and you were taken aback. His sad eyes had this soft feel to it as he looked down at you. "I'm sorry the story wasn't so accurate, I tried to make it simple but I don't want to confuse you." You shook your head and saw him lean forward, his face an arms length away from yours and you decided to reach out.

"Thank you for telling me, I really appreciate you for telling me this." His hand rested on top of yours and he held it tight, pulling you really close to him and you tried to regain your balance which simply resulted in you landing on his lap. "Woahh..." that's a way to change character really quickly.

He rested his forehead on your shoulder and took a deep breath. "I do have a question which I'm guessing is one of your questions as well." You hummed and your hands reached up to play with his surprisingly soft dyed hair. "What exactly are we?"

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