Boobs up to her ears

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Chapter Nine


Rob was still asleep when I woke up the next morning, I tried to slip out of bed as quietly as possible and find some clothes in the wardrobe. As I shuffled across the floor, I couldn't restrain myself from looking at Rob as he cuddled into the duvet. In his sleep he looked like a child, well a child with facial hair.

His dark hair was stuck up at odd angles and his lips were partly slightly, I'd love to say that he snores like a pig but I can't find a single flaw in him.

I grab my phone off of the bedside table, I got an upgrade yesterday so I no longer have a phone that can't handle Internet. I open up Instagram to view a photo I've been tagged in, a user called melodyxox, not a name I recognise.

I have to wait for the photo to load but apparently it was uploaded around midnight, when it is fully loaded I see a blonde girl kissing Rob on the cheek. He has an easy smile and his eyes are glazed, if this was from last night then I have no doubt he was drunk at the time, his walk to my house didn't sober him up all that much.

I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me, making my stomach turn. I battled to keep in my mind that what I had with Rob wasn't real, merely a ploy to give him an alibi to give his friends when they went for a smoke.

Melody was beautiful. Her blonde ponytail hung perfectly, flipped over her shoulder. What I could see if her dress fit her just-so, she had boobs up to her ears just to top it all off. If these were the kinds of girls that Rob went to parties and took selfies with, how could I ever compete? I'm just a girl in the year below with an unusual name and she's a Victoria's Secret model.

There was a part of my mind that tried to persuade me that even though he'd taken this photo with her, it was me who he called. My house that he walked to. Me that he said he needed.

But that was probably a slip of the tongue, a drunken slur, I may even have misheard him.

I put the phone back down and fought the temptation to look at him again. How many girls had seen him first thing in the morning before? How many beds had he slept in before mine? I shook my head and went to the wardrobe, it was a walk in so I could easily get dressed in there.

I found a pair of black skinny jeans and one of many Beatles t-shirts, I put them both on and fixed my hair in the mirror. My ponytail had become loose and my hair was all ragged. I pulled a brush through it and left it down before heading back into my bedroom. Rob was awake when I got there, looking at his own phone. He was clenching his jaw and I worried that his phone would crack in his tight grip.


He jumped a little and looked over at me, "Hey, thought you might have run away in the night or something."

I rose an eyebrow, "this is my house."

He gave me a sheepish smile and then looked me up and down, as he scanned my outfit he groaned, "Oh god, not another Beatles fan."

I chuckled, "you're not a fan then, I presume."

He shook his head, "no but Dan is and I swear if I have to hear another rendition of Let It Be from him, I will kill him."

"I'm disappointed in you, Rob, I thought you appreciated good music."

"My mum is a massive Beatles fan, so I grew up being forced to listen to them, then I get to school to find that Dan likes them and now you too?" He exclaimed, "the universe just hates me."

"No, the universe just had good taste, would you prefer One Direction?" I teased, I knew full well how much he despised them, an opinion I agree with 100%.

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