On Wednesdays we wear pink

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Chapter Fourteen


The next day, after replaying the memories of last night with Rob - who left shortly after our impromptu evening breakfast and cheeky make out session - I received a text from Kat.

Hey babe, we need some girl time, Nando's?

Unable to resist an offer like that, I texted her back with an agreement and we decided to meet at 1 this afternoon, it was 11:30 now so I headed into the shower. I washed my hair with my favourite coconut shampoo and conditioner, and sang some Taylor Swift at the top of lungs. I don't sing in the shower, I perform. Though a Single Ladies reenactment gone wrong put my shower-dancing career to an end, when it resulted in a twisted ankle and a bruised pride.

Once I dressed in a black skirt and long dark green checkered shirt, it was just past 12, I set about drying my hair and doing my make up. I put my hair into a high ponytail, and did my make up how I do it most days; foundation, mascara and winged eyeliner that had been perfected after four years of practice.

Once the time was pushing quarter to one, I headed to the bus stop. Despite being old enough to drive, I had quit after one lesson. It may sound like I'm a diva who can't commit to learning, but you'd quit too after two hours of being shouted by a creepy 40-year old who paid more attention to my legs that the road.

The bus was on time, which was a miracle in itself, and it didn't take too long to get to the city centre. I got off the bus with a 'thanks' to the driver and walked up to Nando's where I saw Kat standing outside, focused on her phone's screen.

"Hey." I greeted, causing her to look up, swiftly tucking away her phone to one of many pockets.

"Hey, cool shirt." she nodded in approval of my outfit and we went inside. We were led to a table by a cute waiter with messy brown hair, Kat herself was wearing an a cream blouse and some skinny jeans underneath her hundreds of jackets. As soon as we entered November with the threat of Winter looming, Kat was swaddled in outdoor clothing, upon taking a seat she began to free herself from the layers of jackets.

"We getting our usual?" she asked, disregarding the menus completely, I nodded and she headed off to the till. From across the room I could see her chatting with the cute server who had shown us to our table, as he now blatantly ignored the other waiting customers in order to share a laugh with Kat and run his hands through his hair.

Kat returned shortly with two full glasses, I knew that although they were both Coke, one would be regular and one would be diet, the latter belonging to me. Always drinking diet was a habit that came from sharing a house with a diabetic.

"So how's life?" she began, "how's Rob?"

"Good, to both." I answered, being purposefully vague as there was nothing Kat hated more.

"Any juicy details? No raunchy meetings or anything?" I shook my head and she sighed, "Not even any hint at when I can finally be introduced to one of his fit mates?"

"Aha! So that's what your ulterior motive is? Which one have you got your eyes on?"

"Well, El has that whole nice guy, caring thing going on, he really-"

"Gay. Next." I demanded, resisting the urge to chuckle at Kat's stricken expression.

"As if." she sighed, but quickly recovered "Joey's pretty hot, is he as much of a player as he seems?"

"Yeah, he doesn't do girlfriends, or at least not his own."

"Why? Not a commitment kind of person?"

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