#65 consent is a big thing for me.

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She planted soft kisses on my neck and travelled her mouth down my body, kissing over every muscle in my chest, relishing against my smooth skin which free from pain and showing no sign of my suffering. Her mouth moved down my body as I lay back, enjoying the warm sensation of her touch. I tilted my hips upwards in a movement that I couldn't stop, or didn't want to stop. I needed to feel her closer, more intimately. Her hand trailed the waistline where my underwear would normally sit and her mouth soon followed, getting teasingly closer to where I wanted them to be.

"I've never done this before." I whispered nervously, but she gave a smile that filled me with confidence. I was safe with her.

Her mouth travelled lower I could see the pure pleasure on my face like I was watching from above in an out of body experience. She pressed her lips gently over the tip of my manhood and her name left my lips in a sexual groan.


This time she brought out her tongue, pressing it slowly against the most sensitive areas of my body and I let a deep groan that vibrated through the back of my throat. I felt her smile against me as she took me into her mouth, filling herself with every inch I had to offer.

My body flexed in her mouth and her tongue got to know every area in a way nobody ever has and a spiral of overwhelming pleasure dispelled from one point in my body. As she moved up and down my full length the softness of her tongue stroked over the crevices in the head of my manhood.

"It's so good." I whispered causing her to look me in the eye as she consumed every bit of me. Her intense green eyes soaked up all the pleasure on my face and I could feel myself building up, continuously being pumped to my release.

"Liam?" She said.

My eyelids fluttered open and I blinked at the sight of Olivia in front of me.


She flooded my senses. I could smell her shampoo, it was all over the bedsheets and I could feel the warmth of her body against my own. I could see how beautiful she was with messy blonde hair flopping lightly over the bulge of her breast that was dressed in navy lingerie. Now I wanted to taste her, to pull her in close and claim her lips on my own as our bodies grinded against one another.

"Did you have a nightmare?" she asked with more curiosity than concern to her voice.

And that's when the reality of the situation hit me. She had just watched me have a sex dream about her. Did I make noises? Could she see the pleasure on my face? Does she know there's a sticky, wet mess sitting inside my boxer shorts right now?

I shook my head as a reply, not finding my voice through the embarrassment that had clearly took over. Gingerly I backed my body away from hers and decided I needed to change the subject.

"How are you feeling this morning." My voice lacked confidence.

"Like shit." She admitted. "Where are my clothes and what happened last night?" She patted the duvet down between us to conceal some of her modesty but I was honestly happy about that because I had whole situation going on down there that I didn't want her to know about.

"You don't remember? You came on pretty strong." She hid her face behind her hands but I continued retelling the story of last night. "You wanted to have sex and I had to turn you down, it's not that I didn't want to because believe me I did. I just didn't want to take your virginity in a bathroom while you were drunk."

She peaked out from behind her fingers "wait ... you wanted to?"

"Well of course. I am a male with needs and when a hot, almost naked girl throws themself at you, it's kind of hard to refuse." I gave her my best cocky grin, the one all the girls fall for. After last nights dream I wanted to now more than ever, but wanting to and doing are two completely different things when you're as messed up as me.

"You think I'm hot?"

I rolled my eyes, how does she not know this?

"I'm surprised you didn't take advantage, I'm sure most of the girls you've been with have been drunk idiots throwing themselves at you."

"Seriously Liv?" She's surprised by that? After everything I've told her... consent is a big thing for me. "I have more respect for you than that, don't you know that by now?" She nodded her head. "Let's go tidy your house."

I pulled my t.shirt down before standing up, pulled my jeans on and then held my hand out for her but she hesitated before grabbing it and it made me question everything. Why didn't she want to hold my hand? What happened? What did I do? But then she grabbed it, interlocking our fingers and stood up.

"Shit, sorry. I forgot you were only wearing your underwear." I immediately turned my head away, not wanting to overstep my boundaries.

"It's okay. You can look, you saw it all last night." I turned back to face her but wasn't confident enough to let my eyes wander down her body until she pulled the hoodie over her head and was no longer able to see me checking her out.

Olivia's house was a straight up mess and it stunk like the aftermath of a party. We walked through the house silently assessing the situation but I could see her mentally having a breakdown at how out of control things clearly got last night. As we made our way to the kitchen we passed a sleeping Jordan who lay sprawled out across the sofa with his trousers hovering somewhere by his feet. I grabbed a pillow and slapped his face with it.

"Get up and help and for God's sake pull your pants up!" He woke up and ran his fingers through his hair, looking around at the mess. Thankfully Zak and Ben came in from the garden holding two full bin bags so obviously they got an early start on the clear up.

"Garden is clear." Zak said.

"I'm going to clean the carpet upstairs." Olivia grabbed some cleaning supplies and then left us alone in her kitchen.

"So, what happened?" Zak nudged my arm with his elbow and pointed his head in the way Olivia had just gone.

"Nothing." I replied quickly but I smirked to myself remembering this mornings dream.

"You're lying!" Jordan exclaimed with excitement. "Tell us now." He added.

"Fine, I got a blow job." I held my hands up in defeat as all ears were peaked up.

"Woah really!" The group called out, high fiving me, patting me on the back and just generally getting buzzed about the information I just told them.

"Yeah. In my dreams." I laughed menacingly and their shoulders sagged before my eyes. "No really, in my dreams. I was having a full blown sex dream while she lay there watching me and I have no idea if I made any noises or had some weird facial expressions but I think she knows that I was having a sex dream." I blurted out in a fast paced stutter "Oh God, what if I said her name?" I added instantly face palming myself.

The group erupted in a belly curling laughter "At least you didn't finish... that would of been bad." Ben said through his laughter and I immediately groaned through my hands.

"Oh my God!" Jordan said and the laughter got louder.

"Hey, it's been a long time for me!" I defended weakly. "I need to shower real bad." My friends couldn't tame their laughter and it made me join in too.

"What's so funny?" Olivia's voice made everyone turn to face her. She stood in the doorway holding sheets in her hands.

"You're doing laundry? You should wash your bed sheets as well." Jordan said causing another wave of laughter to erupt.

We stayed around to help Olivia tidy the rest of the house and only left when it was looking decent again, you would never know she had a party here. I hugged her goodbye and made plans to pick her up at seven for our first date and admittedly I was feeling a little nervous but right now I just needed to go home and shower.

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