#11 Acceptance is a powerful thing.

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Since we were clearly talking about our sex lives and she had asked me about Ruby I felt it only fair to inquire about her personal life.

"So how about you? Are you as virginal as they make out?" I know the answer just by her reaction to my question, she looks mortified.

"Why? because I don't sleep with everything that moves like you?" She seemed angrier now and she avoided giving me a straight answer to my question. I felt like she was judging me as she pierced her vibrant eyes into me.

I wonder if she's ashamed of still being a virgin, I think she must be like the only virgin left in our grade. I don't see it as something to be ashamed of though, I was introduced to sex at a young age and it wasn't by choice. Nowadays I use sex as coping mechanism, it's no big deal to me. I do it with anyone, I do for me and I don't allow there to be any intimacy or closeness. I wish I had the opportunity to wait, she's doing it right. But it's unfair of her to judge me when she doesn't know the facts.

"Being promiscuous isn't a bad thing...it just means you enjoy sex. Nothing wrong with that. Trust me, I know what a whore looks like. You shouldn't be so judgmental Olive." I was sticking up for the girls I sleep with but let's be honest, I was also sticking up for myself.

She scowled at me like a small child who wasn't getting her own way. It was adorable and frustrating at the same time. Cindy approached our table again and asked if I wanted anything else, I refused her offer so she slipped me her number. I was little irritated that she interrupted my time with Olivia, I was really enjoying myself. She made me forget about the darkness, about him and my pain. She made me feel... hopeful.

When Cindy passed me her number Olivia huffed really loudly, capturing my attention. Was she jealous? "I'll definitely be calling her." I said behind a cocky smile just to irk her up more. I had no intention of calling her. Cindy wasn't even on my mind right now, Olivia had my full attention.

We finished up at the diner and headed back to school to sit my math class. I really struggled with math and I was worried it was going to negatively impact my grades. Olivia was giving me the silent treatment, I think she was mad about Cindy and for a moment I felt bad for taking things too far.

We took a seat with Jordan, Zak and Ben. They all glowered their eyes into us with amused expressions across their smug faces. "Guys you know Olive, right? Olive, this is the guys." Olivia didn't say anything, my guys just nodded their heads and there were a lot of secretive smiles exchanged over the table. I hoped they wouldn't mess with her but I also knew what they were like.

We arranged the plans for Saturday while Mr White the math teacher talked about square root numbers up front. No wonder I'm failing this class when I pay no attention to the teacher. Jordan announced that he was actually going to try and bed Chloe at the party. This clearly struck a nerve with Olivia.

"uh... that's rape!" She blurted out, taking us all by surprise.

I held my breath, that's a bad accusation to throw around. Does she honestly think I would surround myself with friends who are capable of doing something like that? I knew that comment wasn't going go down gently but to be honest I think she deserved putting straight.

"Sorry... did you say something Olive?"

Olivia became the victim of Jordans intensely dark stare. His scorch was burning that wildly I thought he was going to singe through every layer of her skin. His tone offered a warning, one Olivia very cleverly acknowledged and backed down. Removing her eyes away from him and cowering into her seat, regretting the comment.

"Yeah... that's what I thought. "If two drunk people decide to have sex with one another, its not rape just because they're drunk. It's not like she would be passed out and doesn't know what she's doing. What would you know? The closest you've come to losing your virginity was with my boy Ben over here." Jordan said through an ice cold tone.

Olivia kept her head down while Jordan and Ben high fived at the low blow. I didn't like thinking about Olivia and Ben, it woke up a anger inside me that I didn't understand.

My friends and I relived some of our best memories from drunken nights out, Olivia remained mute until Ben retold the story of me taking Chelsea's clothes after hooking up just for the fun of it. She was a real bitch and deserved though.

"You guys are dicks" Olivia said causing the laughter to come to an abrupt halt around the table.

All eyes stilled on Olivia, completely gobsmacked that she called us out on our own bullshit. After a few moments we burst out into an uncontrollable laughter that couldn't be stopped. Mr White was furious but my insides beamed with something so unusual, pride.

"Proud of you Olive, 'bout time you called these jackasses out on their bullshit." I patted her hand and just at the mere touch of her skin made my body tingle and her cheeks pinked in the sweetest way.

A ridiculous smile remained plastered across my face, making my cheeks hurt and showing everyone all of my teeth. Olivia had such a strange affect on me, I don't know why.

When math ended we walked cuff in cuff to the bleachers, where I eat lunch every day. I explained to Olivia that I don't like to eat in the cafeteria often because too many people approach our table, sometimes it sucks to be the popular jocks. Especially when you have so many issues that you struggle to rein under control around unpredictable people. Besides during lunch the cheerleaders practice their routines on our pitch. It makes for a great dinner show.

We sat down next to my friends and each of us pulled out our brown paper bags that contained our lunch. When I looked over at Olivia she was sitting awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with herself. I've been there before. Of course she didn't bring lunch, she didn't know we wouldn't be eating in the cafeteria.

As a freshman I was the same, I never brought lunch because I never had a job and couldn't buy myself food. My friends would come to the bleachers and pull out their bags and I would sit awkwardly not really knowing what to do with myself. There are only so many excuses you can make up when it comes to not having any food during any lunch break. Eventually they caught on and would split their lunch with me every day, no questions asked. They never made me feel bad about it once, they just told me try something new and made it seem like that was the reason behind sharing. My friends have always had my back.

"Here." I said handing Olivia half of my tuna sandwich. I then looked around the group, hoping they would cotton on. Ben was next to hand over an apple, I knew he would be next as he makes it his sole mission to please us. Kiss ass. Zak handed her half of his chocolate brownie and Jordan hesitated to share anything.

My eyes darted to him, widening and frowning at the same time, silently communicating with him to stop being such a dick and give her some of his food. He mimicked my expression, arguing his case not to. I won the debate when he let out a sigh and handed her a pack of chips. Olivia's face lit up to a heart warming smile, the same one I wore when the same thing happened to me. Acceptance is a powerful thing.

Ruby disrupted my lunch with a text message of her topless and an attached message telling me to meet her in the janitors closet. She just doesn't take a hint, or a flat out rejection. It was really starting to get on my nerves but I flashed her nudes around my friends and they gave her a rating out of ten.

When I turned the phone to Olivia she looked at me like I was cruel. Maybe I was cruel, Ruby sent me a personal picture and I showed everyone, I do with most of the nudes girls send me. I don't care about these girls, they mean nothing to me and they shouldn't send me pictures of themselves if they aren't comfortable with me sharing them around. She gave Ruby a rating of ten, I think it was out of pity but she didn't comment on it any further.

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