#7 Deep breath Liam, this is it.

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A cool breeze blew through the wood and light rippled in from the rising sun. It took a lot of effort to move this morning, my body felt really heavy and it was hard to maneuver. But I needed to shoot off before the house woke up and caught me hiding in their treehouse like a creep so I pushed through the pain.

Thankfully when I returned to my own house to shower Jax and mom weren't awake, the power of the water hitting my skin was unpleasant, the contusion felt so tender and alive with vibrant colours. I felt as hideous as I looked and I had no choice but to fake a smile on my face all day because I'm going to be chained to Olivia.


There was burning sense of anxiety in my heart, I don't know if I can cope with this today. It hurt to sit, it hurt to stand, it hurt to breathe. I was drowning in my own pain but nobody knew it. I threw my earphones in, trying to distract me from the pain and focused on the music.

"Liam, you look mega good today. Good enough to eat."

It wasn't a statement, it was a proposition from Ruby. I could feel her wretched breath on my skin, she was standing that close. She made me feel like I had bugs crawling under my skin and I wanted to claw them away.

"Was a one time thing Ruby." I replied, without even looking up at her.

"It doesn't have to be you could meet me in the janitors office on our ten minute break." She twirled her hair in her fingers and pushed her breasts in front of my face. I just shook my head not tolerating her any longer.

Then I noticed her.

She walked into the psychology classroom in an outfit that made her look quite edgy and cool. Her legs were hidden behind coated leggings that looked like they were made from leather. They hugged to her figure and my mouth watered at the sight. She wore beanie on her head and her soft curls fell delicately over her breasts. She looked good, real good.

As she walked closer I felt constricted already, the darkness crashed in like a tornado and I desperately tried to swallow it back down.

It's going to be okay Liam, expect to be touched.

Mr Hibbert called us over and with shallow breaths I pushed the bile back down, refusing to let the fear win. Olivia held her arm out first, she seemed nervous and might've even been trembling slightly but that was a good thing, I needed to keep intimidating her because then she wouldn't pry too much into my business. Maybe this was going to be okay.

Deep breath Liam, this is it.

With a few clicks I was incarceration on to Olivia's arm. I felt the fear swallowing me up as the heat radiated from her hand, it wasn't the touch because I was expecting it but it was the unknown. Would I show my pain throughout the day? Would I need to be distracted with a girl or be taken over by violence at her expense? Would she ask me questions? I hated this.

Her cheeks flushed that shy shade of pink and I knew this was my opportunity to lay some ground rules. "Listen Olive, I don't want to do this so lets get a few things straight, shall we? Don't ask me questions. Don't talk to me. Don't get in my way."

She didn't say anything, I hated that she didn't stick up for herself. Stop letting me be a dick to you! She just looked... sad and it made me feel ridiculously guilty.

"Um... we gotta...uh... my first class is calculus." She stuttered out through a cowardly voice.

"Great." I said with sarcasm.

Being next to Oliva wasn't really that bad, so far. She didn't speak to me and I didn't speak to her but I secretly enjoyed watching her. She listened so attentively to her teachers and took notes on the bits she found to be important. She wrinkled her nose ever so slightly whenever she wrote, it was like a habit she did whenever she concentrated on something, I found it cute. Whenever my hand accidently rubbed hers I got a warm tingle sensation throughout my body, I enjoyed the touch, that never happens and it was quite mesmerising for me so I found excuses to move my hand more just so I could brush up against hers. Her scent was intoxicating, I don't know if it was drafting from her hair or her body but it was everything I craved. Nostalgia, safety, love. She blocked out the pain, she blocked out the darkness. With her close she is the only thing that consumed my mind. It was freeing.

"Look Liam, Olivia thinks she's got a chance with you because you're forced to be with her all day isn't that sweet?" Natasha turned around and randomly threw Olivia shade.

I knew Natasha was a bitch, bestfriends to Ruby, girlfriend to Zak and head cheerleader but this attack was completely unprovoked. What the fuck? I looked to Olivia, waiting for her to give her shit back but she sunk lower in her chair soaking up the humiliation. I wanted to fight Olivia's battles for her but I couldn't. I needed to make Olivia hate me, I'm toxic for her. So instead I smiled at Natasha and nodded my head.

"Seriously Olive, you look like you've gained a few pounds and that beanie makes you look like trailer trash. Do you honestly think someone like Liam would ever go for someone like you?"

Natasha grabbed her water bottle and poured it over Olivia's work, the work she had spent all lesson immersed with. What is this girls problem and why is Olivia sitting there and taking it? The teacher entered the classroom again, asking everyone to leave their worksheets on her desk on the way out. Olivia looked like a lost lamb, not knowing what to do with herself as she watched students exiting the classroom.

"Umm... Miss French, there was an accident with my paper." Olivia said timidly.

Her snooty teacher looked me up and down like I had something to do with it and I just scowled back, rising up to match her narrowed eye stare. She's not a snitch, I'll give her that but it really infuriated me how she's now taking the wrap for something Natasha did. Miss French gave her (and me) detention for the end of the school day. Adding on extra time to this imprisonment.

"Nice going dumb ass, you got us detention." I reluctantly said, I hated giving her a hard time but I needed to remember I was doing this for her.

Olivia walked really fast to her next lesson and I honestly struggled to keep up because of the large gash plastered across my windpipe. I was slower, sore and tense. A discomfort radiated from her and I think she was annoyed about how she got treated last lesson by Natasha and myself. Can't say I blame her.

Our next lesson was english lit, my douchebag friends were there, greeting us straight away with wolf whistles and humping the air like horny teenagers. I laughed along and flipped them off, not phased by their behaviour but Olivia got that infamous blush she basically wears constantly around me. Olivia sat on the table in front of my friends, which meant I had to as well. It was different being chained to Olivia and not sitting with them, I felt like they were staring at me, studying my behaviour. It put me on edge incase they noticed something different about me.

My breath hitched when I felt something clang off the back of my head, my whole body flinched from the fear of the unknown and unexpected. Olivia turned her green orbs to look at me, noticing. It took me a few moments to regain back the control I lost, I realised it was the jackasses behind me.

"What the fuck?" I mouthed to them, furious.

They broke out in a ripple of laughter and I basically walked right into the trap. All lesson they launched paper balls at our head, making some idiotic game from it. Scoring points whenever they hit either one of us. With each one that hit me I got madder and madder and I'm pretty sure everyone's ears bled from my uncensored profanities. Is this what she puts up with constantly.

By the time english lit had finished I was stressed out and needed something to take the edge off. "I need a smoke. You coming or you want to take a break now?" I really didn't want to wait to get these handcuffs off, I needed a smoke now.

Thankfully she must have noticed how impatient I was and agreed to come with me.

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