Second thoughts

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Ever since the boy's kidnapping, Dan couldn't shut his eyes for rest. There was something about the little ghost that did not fit with him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The looks were one bizarre thing, but the people he mentioned, knew, there was no explanation for it. Knowing Jason and Tim was one thing, they've met after all, but when he mentioned Danny... and it wasn't just from mentioning the name in front of the kid. No, he knew things that were disturbingly too personal.

Throwing these thoughts away, Dan begrudgingly lifted himself from the mattress to complete a little workout. His buff form unfortunately wasn't just a ghost perk, he had to maintain it. Also, while breaking a sweat, Dan didn't have to think about his powers or the lack of them therefore. Even after two-and-a-half weeks full of meditating and physical activity, they still haven't shown a sign of returning.

With the incapability to hide or mask his towering figure, Dan was stuck in the warehouse. He couldn't leave because he was held under the threat of getting caught and he was in no state to fight back. Getting locked up for good wasn't on his to do list either. It was frustrating to say the least.

Another monotonous day was nearing its end until a loud crashing sound turned it around.


It was quarter to five in the morning and Zephyr still hasn't moved from his spot on the bed. Even though he stated his final opinion on the ghost's assassination yesterday, this morning had him question his decision. He was being torn between maintaining the family he had and the faint connection he shared with Phantom. The worst thing was that he wasn't willing to give up on any of them. 

A light knock derailed the boy's train of thoughts, his eyes averted towards the door. Moments later, a tense looking Ryan stepped inside. After the many days Zephyr spent with this man, he could tell something was off. From the way he leaned against the closed door, it seemed like he was running or hiding from something.

"I was just going to come over to meet you, but is everything okay?" The ghost asked, voice coated in concern. He cared about the wellbeing of his friend, but he was also trying to postpone his final decision as much as possible.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay?" Ryan flashed an unnecessarily huge smile to cover his previous haunted expression. "But what's with your long face? Having second thoughts about the mission?"

Zephyr was caught off guard by the question. Of course he was having second thoughts, but he thought he hid it well enough. "No! Of course not." The ghost hid his face in his palms to cover his lying face. He couldn't admit his weakness, he had to display strength.

He would have to figure out what to do on the way because Ryan was already preparing for departure. "You trained with your powers, right?"

After he got a subtle nod, he flashed a smile. "Then consider this a practice, you'll get us there by your portal."

"I can't control it fully yet! I could take us anywhere..." Zephyr freaked out a little on the thought. He hasn't really succeeded in teleporting to a desired location before. Though getting lost would provide him some more time to think things over.

"I saw you practice, you can do it." Ryan smiled again, but the emotion never truly reached his eyes. They were dark and clouded, a sign that his mind was somewhere else. Zephyr could only ponder what was on the man's mind.

Focusing on the task at hand, the ghost closed his eyes in concentration. To go through with this, he had to tap into the core of his existence and access the energy that created the likes of him.

Zephyr had the basic knowledge of his teleportation power. Firstly, he had to access his energy source and then channel it by thinking of a specific destination. For his little detour to succeed, all he needed was to think of a random place he saw or visited before.

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