I know THEM better

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I'm so sorry everyone for the long wait, I just had to figure some things out before continuing with writing. But I'm back, again thanks to @BigsisT1235
It took me many hours so I really hope you'll enjoy this longer chapter.

Have a nice day


A trash can

That was the first word that came up when Tim looked around his older brother's apartment. Clothes and guns lying all over the floor, empty food packages, walls covered in pieces of newspaper and photos connected with colorful yarn. This setup wasn't something unique for a solo vigilante, but Jason surpassed them all.

Tim made his way through the mess in the living room, examining the crime-wall. Pictures of Phantom and all his known locations were at display, showing off Jason's commitment to finding their lost brother. As he followed the yarn, it lead him further into the case, Phantom's sudden disappearance, then after few months, he appeared again, more murderous as ever.

Even though Dan appeared, Danny never followed. Their brother's disappearance broke all their hearts, some worse than others. As he proceeded further, the pictures were slowly replaced by scribbles. Jason's wild theories in their tangible form.

Tim had no need to look at them again, he went through each one with Jason over hundred times. It was a saddening sight. Not to cut the traumatic memory lane short, the detective made his way all over to the back. With pain in his heart, Tim made his way towards his brother's work table.

It was a mess as everything in this apartment, but that was just Jason's way. There were only three files lying around, the two that were visible nothing major. Whereabouts of few drug cartel members. Then what was the real reason Jason asked him to take over?

As he shuffled through the mess, the unopened file caught Tim's eye. He expected another drug related case, but instead, he got a blank page with a sticky note. All it said was "put me up"

The red themed vigilante picked the list of paper up, turning it around. Jason's furious handwriting covered the whole page, surrounding one big bubble inside. It took some time to figure it out, but after decoding the scribbles, the message couldn't be clearer:

"Zephyr is Danny"

Tim breathed the words out. How is this possible? His mind seemed to get stuck in a loop, preventing any real explanations to come through.

Zephyr is Danny

Zephyr is Danny

Zephyr is Danny

Zephyr is Danny

As soon as it all set in, Tim had to figure out the how. Thankfully, Jason was so kind and left him a worldly explanation, filling his brother on all the details.

Finally, all the pieces clicked, or at least some of them. Jason must have been detained for releasing Zephyr, the first suspect related to Phantom in eight long years. Not only related in actions, but in looks as well.

Tim read all the files created on the ghost boy, but they were incomplete from a big part. Except for name and location, nothing else was known. Now, when Jason revealed the boy's origin or past, things started making some sense. For example why Danny never returned. He was in the mountains all the time, but he wasn't himself. In the camera feed from the interrogation room, no personality traits really resembled their lost brother. As if he was a completely new person.

Or he was brainwashed...

That was a big assumption, but it held some truth to it. Someone so strong, if you reset them and taught them someone's desired ideals, they wouldn't resist. They wouldn't know better. This part made sense, but how did they make Danny look like Phantom? He was a human, there wasn't anything ghostly about him except Phantom. But Phantom disappeared for a while too. That could mean Danny was turned into Zephyr using Dan.

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