Death as a 'thank you'

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The feeling of recognition overlapped with utter confusion swirled inside of the young ghost. The embodiment of his future laid on the ground in front of him, barely able to keep its eyes open.

He never really got a good look at this person. Their brief meeting in the mountains wasn't enough to answer any of Zephyr's burning questions. There wasn't enough time to get to know the person who looked exactly like him...
And maybe there won't be if the ghost passes away.

Panic rose in the boy when the ghost in front of him closed his eyes. He was no medical expert, but he could tell that unconsciousness wasn't a good sign. Neither were the gashes and bruises that littered his body. One particular injury stood out between all the others. A tiny hole near the ghost's collarbone. The injury was small compared to others, but the amount of blood leaking out surpassed them all.

Zephyr looked around himself to be sure that no one was around. He didn't know what would happen if someone saw the two of them together. Probably hell itself would break loose. When he found nobody, his gaze shifted back to the ghost. Everything was suddenly going so fast, but one thing was obvious. He had to save Phantom.

The boy knelt down and pressed his small palm against the wound. Green streaks trickled between his fingers and down his arm, but he paid no attention to those. He looked around, but there was nothing that could stop the bleeding. Realization struck the boy when he realized he himself was wrapped in bandages. Since he was partially healed already, the ghost in front of him would need the bandages more than him.

Careful not to ease on the pressure on the wound, Zephyr slowly unwrapped his abdomen and started to attend the ghost. With every layer that covered the wound, the boy's stress faded out bit by bit. He grabbed the ends of the bandage, crossed them and pulled hard to tighten the wrapping. The pull might have been a bit too harsh because the ghost's eyes flew open.

Dan looked around himself, finding his position with the child rather uncomfortable. Without the knowledge of the past few moments, he pushed the boy away from himself and attempted to stand up. This didn't prove to be the best move, because his legs gave out the moment all his weight shifted on to them. With a grunt, Dan was on the ground again, panting heavily.

His hatred filled eyes landed on Zephyr, making him take a step back. "What do you want." Dan growled and despite his battered form, he still gave away a threatening aura. His voice alone was a reason to panic. The deep and gruff tone of it spread around you like a blanket, paralyzing your mind.

"I helped your wound." Zephyr whispered and pointed his blood coated finger at the ghost's chest. Dan looked down at his torso. What he saw didn't please him at all. Since his last escape, the military got better. They weren't now the stranded guys set in front of a monster, no, they've evolved. The ghost bared his fangs at those thoughts. Everyone around him was getting stronger, more daring while he stayed the same. He was still the monster that had nothing to lose, a monster that killed out of sheer boredom. Nothing has changed about him.

Dan lifted his glare, scanning the boy in front of him. He was indeed covered in fresh green blood, some of it still trickling down his fingers and staining the ground. When he looked lower, his gaze stayed there for a while. The boy's top was torn in the middle, revealing dried blood and imprints of tightly tied bandages.

Instinctively, his hand reached to his bandaged shoulder. "Why would you burden yourself with helping me? Don't you know who I am?" Dan pierced the boy with a hard look, trying to figure him out.

"I couldn't leave you like that..." Zephyr pausend a little and took that time to look up. "You were dying."

"Anyone else would have finished me off." He growled and lowered his gaze. He was thankful for his life, that was for sure, but he couldn't show it. He couldn't afford to let go of his emotions, not after all those years of keeping them to himself. Dan's mind immediately trailed back to a similar situation from eight years ago.

He just escaped with Danny, both somewhat hurt... but it didn't matter in a few hours. All the physical pain seemed to vanish away when the final blow came his way. The loss of the only dear person to him struck him so hard, he couldn't experience the same pain again.

Kill anyone who looks at him the wrong way, anyone who does something he doesn't like...

His own words echoed in his mind, occupying his thoughts. The boy in front of him was looking at him the wrong way. The pity in his eyes wasn't being addressed to the right person. According to himself, Dan wasn't worth of pity and guilt. Those were forbidden feelings, something he didn't allow himself or others express towards him.

Dan closed his eyes, trying to even out his breathing and calm down his heart beat. For what he was about to do, Danny would probably disown the ghost if he was still alive. He was still too weak to use the ghostly wail so he had to settle for something less powerful. Dan stretched out his better arm and held it in the air for a moment.

Zephyr was watching the whole situation with patience, giving the ghost his time to somehow put himself together. When a hand reached out, the boy smiled a little, happy that Phantom was finally ready to accept his help. The arm stayed in the air a little longer, inviting Zephyr to come closer. He took the step, but froze at the sight in front of him.

A small spark danced in the ghost's hand, slowly growing into a raging fireball of ghost fire. In a matter of a second, the blazing shot was hurling towards the boy. There wasn't enough time to get out of the way completely. The heat scorched Zephyr's side, sending a wave of excruciating pain through his right side. He shrieked our in anger and pain, baffled by the fact that he nearly escaped his own death. Angered by the fact that the same person he helped tried to take away his life.

In the heat of the moment, Zephyr swung his small fist, aiming at the ghost's temple. With trained precision, he hit the spot, forcing Phantom unconscious. The boy stood there, his chest falling and raising with every deep breath he took.

There was an option to get rid of this ghost forever, after all, he tried to murder him. Zephyr could finally avenge his grandpa, this ghost has caused him a handful of trouble. He could all end this now, make a way for his life's training, but he chose not to. Even though what he was doing right now was going against everything he was taught, the single hope of getting desired answers held him on the path of mercy.


One quick question guys. Is this chapter length adequate? I used to write longer chapters, but as I figured out, those are harder to read. (Though to be truthful, I can't write long chapters anymore). So any feedback is great. I want to make my work as readable and comfortable as possible to my readers.

Enjoy the rest of your day and stay helfy!

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