Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Third Person

As stated, Elliot drove Adrian home not bothering to ask her either which wasn't unusual for him. His attitude was contradictory, changing too many times to count, so she couldn't be sure to question him or to just stay silent. He would probably grow irritated as soon as she asked what he meant about bringing her home from now on.

No, she didn't talk much but with Elliot, all these questions stemmed up in her brain like roots to an unborn flower. In the little time she's known him, she's learned he isn't very fond of questions, well actually he wasn't fond of very many things at all. She wondered what Elliot did like, would she ever find out?

Fondling at the rips in her light washed jeans, she folded the broken strings over the showing of her skin then let go, letting the strings pop back up. She sighed, once ripped jeans are washed too much, the tears in them break off and the decorative holes become larger showing more of her peachy pale skin.

Now that Adrian was alone with Elliot, an anxious feeling coated every inch of her body. The last time she was alone with him he kissed her, a boy has never kissed her before. Just her father and maybe some of her cousins and uncles but that was it. They didn't kiss her as Elliot did, Elliot's kisses were warm like sweet honey, peppering her flushed skin without any caution.

Despite how much she wanted to deny it, she fancied Elliot's kisses, maybe daringly even wanted more of them. She didn't know what they meant, she just knew she liked him a lot and she was pretty darn sure he didn't like her the same way she liked him. That hurt her immensely, why kiss her when he didn't even want to be her friend?

Did he not want to be her friend because she wasn't pretty like Payton, Phoenix, and Kiera? Was it because he really did think she was stupid, or could it be because she's too sensitive? She didn't fit in and Elliot probably didn't like that, he probably wished she never came to school at all. After all, he's really mean to her sometimes. So why is it he's bringing her home?

"Why are you bringing me home?" She asked just loud enough so he could hear, but still, her voice was quiet. She watched him in her peripheral vision, not wanting to actually face him.

Not once did Elliot take his eyes off the road, giving away no sign that he even heard her. One hand loosely controlled the steering wheel as the other lazily rested on top of the middle council between them both. "Why do you always ask me insignificant questions?" He replied after a minute of splitting quiet.

The apples of her cheeks warmed not so subtly in embarrassment. She was very curious when it came to Elliot and it was obvious. Adrian almost never asked questions unless she was comfortable, she barely even spoke until she knew the person was quote of quote 'safe' to talk to. Safe as in, they were gentle and kind, not mean or crude.

Elliot wasn't gentle or kind but he was safe because he wouldn't let others hurt her nor would he let them make her nervous. When those situations came around, when Adrian needed saving before she broke down, Elliot took care of it. He was tall and scary and he made whoever the person was in Adrian's way, go away.

Maybe that's why she liked him because he shielded her like her parents did. But she knew she liked him for multiple reasons, even though he wasn't always the nicest.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her hands moistening as she clumsily played with her jeans foolishly hoping it would distract her from her embarrassment. Was she being annoying? She didn't like to be asked questions either, so maybe she should just stay quiet.

Elliot's head snapped to her, eyes growing dark, lips twisted into an angry line. She didn't want to look him in the face, but somehow she did. The hand that rested in the middle council was now gripping her thigh, not painfully but just enough pressure to cause discomfort. What did she do wrong?

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