Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Third Person

Adrian swallowed, worry flooding her veins.

Elliot Wilds was a tall guy, and when he was mad (which seemed like all the time) he was also a scary guy. His dark tousled mahogany hair cascaded over one of his cobalt eyes, causing his features to look sharper than their usual sharpness.

His thick eyebrows were pointed in a way that made his glare seem more intense. Since Adrian couldn't look him in the eyes, she looked at his clothes. The black sweatshirt and black Nike shorts he was wearing fit as if perfectly tailored to him. On his feet, he wore long white Nike socks and black vans. This boy knew how to dress, careless yet stylish.

Taking her eyes off of him, she glances at Oliver. He's already looking at her, his hazel eyes wide. Was he afraid just like she was? Elliot had that effect on people.

"I-I umm..." she stutters, trying to get her words out. "Am uhh eating."

His fisted knuckles were cut and bruised, she only noticed because his hands were clenched very tightly. His purple-blue veins were more prominent when his hands were in fists, they always stuck out but now they looked like they could literally pop at any minute.

"Clearly." He snaps. "This isn't your lunch table."

"What do you mean?" She whispers. Couldn't she sit where she wanted? Why did it bother him where she sat? She was sure Elliot Wilds hated her.

A scowl took over his pretty lips. "I mean this isn't your lunch table." He says again slowly but is very direct. "So pack your shit sunshine."

Adrian gulps, dampness blurring her blue eyes. Nobody ever talked to her the way Elliot did. This boy had no morals, he was one of a kind and not in a good way.

Why was he in school anyway? Shouldn't he be suspended or kicked out after what he did to Jaxon? Did he even get in trouble? Why did she have to sit with him, so he could tell her what she could and couldn't do?

She glanced at Ollie and he looked mad. "Why can't she sit here?" Oliver asks, grasping courage as he sees Adrian's swollen eyes.

Elliot slowly removes his cobalt eyes from Adrian's and instead narrows them on Oliver. The look was scary, and if Adrian didn't do something quickly she was afraid Elliot would drop a bomb of insults and curses that would surely crush her newfound friend. Insults from Elliot cut deep.

"Do you w-want me to sit where I s-sat yesterday?" Adrian quickly sputters out. "C-can Ollie come?"

Elliot tenses. "Ollie? What the fuck."

Adrian flinches.

"What's going on over here?" Payton comes up from behind Elliot, her timing perfect. "Why are you yelling, if you keep it up you'll have more then just detention." She points at him. "Everyone can hear you, you're making a scene."

"Fuck detention. You know what, fuck this." He spits, his eyes watching Adrian. "You don't get it, you just don't." He mutters, storming off out of the cafeteria not once looking back.

Adrian swallowed. The whole cafeteria was silent, watching Elliot exit in a not so pleasant manner. When he was completely out of sight, only then did everyone begin to gossip.

What did he mean? 'You don't get it.' She didn't understand.

So he did get detention.

Elliot Wilds was enigmatic, totally, and utterly incomprehensible to her. He called her sunshine, he beat up guys on her account, and he answered questions for her when she couldn't answer them herself. She hadn't even said thank you.

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