Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Third Person

Elliot had his own special way of frazzling Adrian. He always says such strange things, things normally people wouldn't say. She liked that, she liked how he was his own person, how nobody could possibly replicate him no matter how hard they tried.

Adrian sat in the passenger side of Elliot's truck watching out the window, her hands in her lap picking at her the loose skin around her nails. The engine rumbled in unsteady patterns, the air conditioner now off, and the music a low hum.

Old music, the radio was playing old music, Adrian predicted anywhere from the sixties to the two thousands. She enjoyed older tunes, they seemed to hit differently than the newer more edited songs.

About two more hours and school would be over, in about two more hours she should be walking home. But she somehow knew they weren't going back to school, she wouldn't be walking home like she was supposed to. For once she didn't know what she would be doing in two more hours.

She still had this nagging concern about her parents finding out, she had never really gotten in trouble before.

As Adrian picks her small nubs of skin, sudden gurgle noises fill her ears, her stomach demanding food, not so quietly either. For a moment she stayed still as stone, hoping Elliot somehow couldn't hear her stomachs hungry pleas.

"Hungryyyy." Elliot draws.

Adrian's cheeks tint sanguine, her embarrassment crystal clear. "Umm I-I'm fine." She murmurs.

For a hot second, Elliot's head turns her way, his mahogany hair a messy astray of loose curls. His right-hand lifts off the steering and unexpectedly comes towards Adrian landing right on her grumbling stomach.

She jumps a little at the contact, her heart playing leapfrog in her chest as the warmth of his fingers leaks through the fabric of her shirt. Her embarrassed cheeks burn, what in the world was Elliot doing?

She glanced at his hand then up to his face with beyond nervous eyes. His soft peach lips were quirked into what she would call a grin and it definitely held underlying amusement.

Under his hand, her stomach rumbling was clearly felt in little inconsistent vibrations, and him touching her was making her very flustered. "Your stomach seems to think so." He muses. "But your lips, sunshine, are telling me a different story, why is that?"

Sunshine. He was always calling her that name, it kind of made her heart do little summersaults.

His hand doesn't leave, instead, his fingers begin to move in circular motions that kind of tickle. She didn't know what to say, how to respond, her thoughts were all jumbled with the lack of personal space.

At least he kept his eyes on the road.

"I-I...umm." She sputtered searching desperately for words. She was nervous, nobody ever really touched Adrian unless it was her parents. It's not that she didn't like it, she just wasn't used to how good his warm fingers felt.

"Umm, what?" He tuts.

She gulps. She was what? She didn't want to admit she was hungry, and her stomach making the noises only blew her cover.

"We're lying right," He states. "Right through those innocent lips."

She glanced down, she was lying and there was no way to deny it. "I wasn't trying to." She whispers watching his fingers. Her body was so warm and she blamed it on Elliot, he was the cause of it.


She shook her head staying silent knowing he probably couldn't see her with him driving and all. Suddenly Elliot jerked his wheel taking a sharp turn, Adrian's shoulder went colliding into the window. It didn't hurt, just stunned her.

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