Epilogue- Master plan

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Over a year later:

"Oh my god! Fuck me!" I yelled.

Sean looked at me, half disgusted, half shocked "you should probably stop using expressions like that now that you're dating Junglebook,"

This perverted old troll needs to get his mind out of the gutter. I glared at him, trying to clean up the mess I knocked onto the counter.

Half the gooey concoction of flour, eggs, sugar and milk that we spent nearly the entire afternoon working on was now on the counter of Seans kitchen.

It was supposed to be Jungkooks birthday cake, so much for the big plan we had.

Jin is back in our house, making the rest of the birthday meal with Yoongi and Hoseoks help.

While the remainder followed Jungkook out on a supply run, with a mission to keep him away until 7p.m, all part of my master plan to atleast attempt and give Jungkook some sort of birthday surprise. To try and bring a little bit of pre-apocalypse life back to cheer him up.

He'd been a little on edge lately and a little distant to everyone around him. In fact the other day, the first time all 8 of us managed to sit down and have a meal together in a long time Jungkook looked as if he were dreading it.

When I threw in a joke about how Namjoon and Jin should just get married already and the others joined in saying that they should all get married eventually, he grew somewhat agitated.

Jin was very on board with my idea and soon all of them were but this isn't how I quite expected it to go down.

All I did was tell them I had baked a cake before and no one died from food poisioning. Then Yoongi mumbled something along the lines of 'if no one died she's  already more qualified than the dongsaengs' to Jin and now somehow I'm in charge of the birthday cake. 

And since they had to use the kitchen for the birthday meal prep, I got kicked out from my own kitchen by Jin. Thats how I ended up in Seans kitchen with chocolate cake batter along the length of my left forearm.

Sean tsked as he went to go grab more ingredients from the cabinets. We barely had any to spare since its the middle of the damn apocalypse and time was nearly up too.

6.15p.m read the clock.

"Don't worry I've got a box of instant cake mix, but it's my last. Don't drop the batter again," Sean warned, placing the box between us.

I sighed in relief as I ripped the top of the box open.

"What will your poor old Junglebook eat then?" He mocked, tapping a finger on his forehead as he pretended to think hard about it.

I threw the lid off the cardboard box at him, which he swiftly avoided and begun pacing around muttering 'what will the baby junglebook eat?'

Perhaps I do 'baby' Jungkook a little too much sometimes, but can anyone blame me? He has such endearing little habits and ways.

However Sean being Sean never misses an opportunity to make fun of me for it.

It's been over a year and Sean and I were pretty much friends again, he's still a jackass but a loveable one.

"Me." I blatantly replied, pouring the contents of the box into the bowl.

I stifled a laugh, watching Sean actually choke on his own saliva and grip the table for support.


40 minutes later and we finally pulled it off, the cake looked like a cake and thats honestly better than I thought we'd be able to do.

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