Chapter 45

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Namjoon POV:

I hadn't been hit like Ruth has but my wrists were begining to sting from the rope digging into my skin. There were only 2 of these guards by us, 1 kept a hand on Ruth and another on Taehyung.

And a third, the one doing all the talking, had his gun by his side instead.

"Tell me what?" (Y/n)'s voice finally shattered the silence. 

The one with a jet black ponytail snickered "Clarissa over here has been feeding us information,"

(Y/n) scoffed, clearly not believing any of it but when her face meets Clarissas guilt-ridden one it changes.

"It's not true," (y/n) blantantly denied but Clarissa kept quiet, merely fidgeting around with her arms.

"Clarissa tell me it's not true," she demanded, trying to wriggle herself upright.

The guy spoke to the walkie talkie "hello?"

No response.

"Maybe a scream would help," he held it in front of (y/n), still struggling to sit up, her shoulder is better than before but still not fully functional so that just makes things harder.

"Clarissa, tell me what's going on," she growled.

He pulled back, grimy fingers fiddling with the buttons once more "I guess thats good enough for now,"he fixed his gaze onto Clarissa now "Tell her Clarissa, she'll scream louder then,"

He brought out a knife and held it against Clarissas neck.

"Tell her," he demanded.

(Y/n)s eyebrows jumped "it's okay Clarissa, tell me," she urged, eyes losing their former cold edge.

Clarissa gulped and looked to the floor "When I got abducted ...I didn't escape from here. They proposed a deal,"

"A deal that they would stop hurting Alice, if I returned every week with information and they would let me see her sometimes-"

He dragged the knife lightly across her cheek, leaving a thread-like cut in its wake.

"Stop it, let her speak," (y/n) glared at him but he just laughed.

"I needed to do something to get some emotion out of you," he waved the walkie talkie in her face keeping it near her mouth "Continue Clarissa,"

"They said they would kill her if I disobeyed. I thought I could free her on my own... so I kept it to myself and told them what they wanted to hear,"

Tears began to stream down her face as she looked at (y/n), filled with regret and guilt but (y/n) herself was just blank. Zero emotion. She always does that, always tries to put up a brave front.

"Im so sorry, I thought I could keep everyone safe on my own. I didn't always tell them the truth just what seemed like it,"

"And she'll pay for it," he spat at Clarissa.

Worry flashed over (y/n)s face for the first time since we entered. Only for a moment her façade faltered but the ponytail guy caught on. He smiled at the discovery.

Clarissa dropped her gaze to the floor, more tears fell onto the space between (y/n) and her.

"I told them you were at the hospital, but I thought you were either dead or had left by then,"

"Not the past, tell her about today," he tapped her cheek with the blunt side of the knife.

Today? Clarissa is the reason why we are tied up like this?

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