Chapter 13

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My eyelids are heavy but one slowly lifts open. The light is blinding. I shift my head around trying to figure out where I am.

"Awake!" Someone yells.

The sound is all too much and hurts my ears. The source is Jin. Everyone comes rushing in from different directions except, it.. he remains a few feet away.

Im so confused, last thing I remember was hugging Jungkook, why am I lying down on the sofa now.

"(Y/N) you fainted" Namjoon answers my unsaid question.

...I'm pretty sure this man was created in some top secret lab where they add mind reading to his genetics.

"Based on your diet this past week we can see why, all the extreme emotional trauma would have contributed too. C'mon you've got get food into your system," He pulls me up by my shoulders into a sitting position.

I look at the coffee table in front of me and there's lasagne. "I'm sorry but no. I'm not eating anything in this house and-,"

"(Y/N) please, just eat," the murderer interrupts.

"Please," Jungkook adds, with big puppy eyes.

Damnit the boy knows knows my weaknesses. I look back at the murderer "Fine, I'll eat but you sit with me throughout the meal and give me answers,"

He walks out of the room.

Returning shortly with an egg timer "You get 10 minutes," he says taking a seat on the rocking chair across me and placing the timer on the table.

The whole mood of the room changes, everything is serious. The boys all quieten down. I shove a huge chunk of lasagne in my mouth.

"Did you shoot her," my words come out muffled.


"Why did you shoot her?"

"She was weighing the group down,"

"The real reason,"

"That is the real reason,"

"Fine why was she weighing the group down,"

"Take another bite first,"

"Answer me first,"

"Your mother was..."

"My mother was?"

"She was bitten,"

I choke on lasagne. Jungkook hands me a glass of water.

"Don't lie,"

"I'm not,"

"In the hypothethical situation she was bitten what made it okay for you to shoot her,"

"She asked me too,"

"For how long was she bitten,"

"A day, this is the secret she swore me to secrecy,"

"Couldn't we amputate?"

"Can't amputate a waist. Even if it was on her limbs, you know your mother, she'd rather die,"

"So what you're telling me is my mother was bitten and she asked you to shoot her so that she could be a distraction and we could get away,"


"Why didn't you shoot her in the head, what if she turns,"

"Do you honestly think I could shoot my sister in the face? Besides she'll probably be nothing but bones before she can turn."

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