Chapter 14

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She stood there holding on to the metal railing with her red hair that was in a ponytail dancing against the summer breeze outside.

"Hey Sid," I said when I was standing next to her on my balcony.

She turned around with a huge smile and then hugged the living right out of me.

"Hey Sam. Guess what?" She was beaming at me and literally about to burst from excitement.

"What?" I asked giving my best friend a weird look. What got in her pants this morning? Well more like afternoon, but technically morning for me.

"I just scored us some backstage passes to tonight's concert and guess who's concert. Guess, guess, guess."

I was about to slap Sidney if she didn't shut up. I really loved her but she was over reacting way to much for some backstage passes to a concert.

"Maroon 5!" She screamed and started to jump with so much joy. I just laughed at her outburst of happiness.

"Okay that is pretty exciting," I told her as I tied to make her stop jumping.

"Pretty exciting? This is mega exciting! I can't believe I was able to get them so so so late." I led her to one of the chairs and sat her down and then sat down directly in front of her.

"Your coming right? No I'm not going to ask I'm going to state it. Your coming." She put on a serious face that only lasted for a few seconds before stared a fit of laughter.

"Haha! Me trying to be serious is a total no no!" She said in between her laughter. Her over joy got me into full investigator mode.

"Sid, have you taken something you shouldn't of? Tell me right now. I'm not going to be mad trust me. I'm going to be furious." I mumbled the last part hoping she didn't hear.

"No Sam. I haven't taken anything I shouldn't of."

"Okay then stop being so damn happy."

"Sam, what's got your panties in a twist?" She asked with her arms folded over her chest.

"Ugh. Okay so it seems I got totally wasted yesterday after I saw Asher. Then while I was under the influence of the alcohol I wasted one million dollars on a freaken trip to Spain and who nows what else I did or said after that."

"Oh I remember that. Yeah that was pretty stupid of you to waste that much money but guess what your hubby is a billionaire and a million mulla to him is like a dollar. So nothing to worry about there but when your drunk you tend to ramble and that's never good because you always end up saying idiotic shit. So that's what you need to worry about and the first person to maybe have experienced the ramble drunk of you would have to be Devin. Also what?! Asher? He's back?" She questioned me.

"Yeah he's back from London," I mumbled.

"Well that's not good. Damn I was so happy and now as soon as my happy soul has left my killer soul has entered and it already has a prey. That prey goes under the name of Asher Lockheart." A mischievious look flashed through her eyes.

"No one is going to die Sidney," I told her in a stern tone.

"Okay no ones dying. How about badly injured. Yes! I've been dying to try out my boxing skills on a punching bag and I just found myself one." She put her hands in punching formation and punched the air.

"Since when are you in boxing?" I asked curious. She wasn't the sporty type so this was a big shocker.

"Since this morning and let me just as say I'm a fucken bad ass now. I can take that d-bag down with one swing." She flexed her nonexistent muscles and kept at that for a few more seconds.

Oh great. My hero was my self conceited best friend. Hurray, not.

"I'm pretty damn sure a ten year old could beat you up Sid."

"Okay that was low," she said pouting her lower lip and looking out to the bright sun instead of me.

"I'm sorry but I'm right you can't beat up Asher."

"Maybe not yet."

We talked for a couple more minutes about the concert until Devin broke into my room without knocking.

"What do you want?" I asked him as he walked towards me.

"Well I gave you a job and your starting today so get dressed more appropriately and come down stairs." With that he left my room.

"Your working for your husband?" Sidney inquired from in front of me.

"I asked him if I could get a job and that's what he gave me."

I stood up from my seat and walked over to my closet. I turned on the light making the previously dark room now glimmer with light. I didn't even know what to pick out as I looked around the full closet.

"I would go with something professional looking." Sideny walked in and started to go through all of the clothes. She then stopped and picked out a black pencil skirt that I didn't even know I owned and pared it up with a red blouse and some black flats.

"How about this?" She held up the clothes to me and I gladly took them.

"Since when do you know how to dress professionally?" I asked her as I start to get dressed.

"Well I'm just a talented fashionista." She flipped her hair with flare and plumped up her lips to make them look bigger.

After I was done getting dressed Sidney did my makeup and put my hair into a sleek ponytail. She seemed more excited then me.

"Done! You look so professional." She handed me a small mirror that was on my vanity table and waited for my feedback.

"It looks good."

"Okay now I don't want to keep your hubby waiting so scatter." She started to shoo me out of my own bedroom but all I did was laugh.

I couldn't wait to start doing something, but for me nothing was was ever perfect. I don't even get why karma always comes to bite me because right when I entered Devin's office I started to regret ever even wanting to have a job and mostly accepting Devin's offer.

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