Part 16

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"I leave her with you for a day, and you can't even look after her! Just one day!"

"I'm sorry, Hyung."

"Don't Hyung me. I'm your fucking Alpha, and when I ask you to protect her, you fucking protect her."

"I'm sorry Alpha."

"She could have drowned, Jimin."

"I'm sorry but I didn't know she couldn't swim! And we were all drunk, we didn't know-"

"Well you should have known. If she died, you would have killed your Luna."

The room goes deathly silent, the only sound is my uneven breathing.

"Kitten, I know you're awake."

Fuck. I open one eye, and see Yoongi looking at me disapprovingly from the other side of the room, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.

"Eavesdropping again, are we?"

I open my mouth to retort back, but my throat is sore and I barely have the energy to speak. Instead, I send my message with a middle finger. Yoongi scoffs.

"Real mature."

After a few attempts, I manage to croak out a 'fuck you'. Yoongi sighs, and turns around to Jimin, who's sitting in the corner, staring into his lap.

"Jimin, go down to the kitchens and ask for some soup."

Jimin perks up, glad to be doing something to help and make up for me drowning. A door shuts as he goes down to the kitchens, leaving me alone with Yoongi.

"Really? Swimming while you were drunk?"

"I was drunk. How was I supposed to know I can't swim?"

Yoongi sighs.

"Well maybe don't drink 5 bottles of Soju."

"I can do what I want."

"I swear you're an alcoholic."

Okay, that's it.

"I'm not! I never had that much alcohol before I met you. Because of you, and your infuriating, confusing behaviour, I have to drink a shitload of alcohol so that I don't think about it 24/7. Those 5 bottles of Soju was the result of you leaving me, alone," my yell lowers to a whisper, "You left me alone, after I had a fucking nightmare and panic attack. I needed you. And you just left."

Shit. That wasn't supposed to end like that. But I was pissed, and I wanted to make him feel guilty. Silence fills the room as both of us contemplate my words, neither of us knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi says quietly, fiddling with his bracelets.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I snap.

We don't talk after that, an awkward silence stretching between us. After what seems like an hour, but is probably only 15 minutes, Jimin marches in triumphantly with a servant and a tray of food. He swings the door open, hands on hips and sticking his chest out in pride.

"See Hyung, I'm not incapable of-"

Stopping mid sentence, Jimin realises the atmosphere in the room, and immediately asks the servant to leave. After the servant shuts he door behind her, he turns his attention back to us, tutting at us as if we were disobedient children.

"What's wrong with you two? Yoongi, stop being all Alpha-ish, and annoying. Tae Mi, stop being stubborn and sulking."

I open my mouth to protest, but Jimin gives me a stern look. Well actually, it doesn't look that stern, more like he's trying not to laugh, but at least he's attempting to be serious.

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