Part 25

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An hour had passed before all throwable items had been tossed against the walls and floor. My hands were cut from rogue shards, and the same fate had fallen to my feet, dripping crimson onto the wrecked rug. Collapsing slowly to the floor, ceramic digging into my knees, I stare blankly at the wall, the fight having left me long ago, along with the salty tears that dripped down my face.

"Tae-mi are you okay? I heard noises and I just-"

The voice stops his eyes settle upon my broken body, taking in the mess surrounding me with eyes wide in shock. After the situation settles in on him, Yoongi drops to his knees in front of me, ignoring the sharp shards that dig into his knees. A shaking hand lifts from his lap, fingertips outstretched to my face, softly caressing the cheek of my flushed, tear streaked countenance as his eyes started to weep, glassy hazel orbs gazing with such intensity.


His words chocked by a sob, unable to understand what had happened to me. What had happened to me because he wasn't there. Not there to hold me, to tell me it's okay, that it's okay to hurt and love and to break, to shatter like a vase into millions of diamond sized pieces, to break like the pot I'd thrown in an anger fuelled rage. A single finger presses against my chin, a single touch that had the potential to make me give in, to give in to his whims and to just be. To just be with him. To be with my mate in eternal happiness, unwavering in its magnitude and infinite in time. With the guidance of his finger, he tilts my head up, allowing me an indulgent gaze at a face surely crafted by the gods.

"Are you...okay...?"

He stumbled through the words, unsure of how to pose the question, and whether it was the right one to ask. Out of the absurdity of the situation, or perhaps the insanity slowly creeping into my head, I started to laugh, a cold empty sound detached from my self.

"Of course."

Tilting my head back, my hysterical laughter morphs into sobbing, tears streaming down my red blotted face as I stare into shocked hazel eyes.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? My mate, my other half has been sleeping with another, whilst I've been waiting for you to hold me. All I want is you!"

I punctuate the you with a finger in his direction, my tears halting as feelings of melancholy turn to anger.

"I waited every single day. I didn't eat for weeks. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't function without you. But everything, all the pain, all the tears wasted on a mate who isn't loyal."

Yoongi's head was tilted towards the floor in shame, droplets of glass dripping from his eyes and onto his lap, darkening the fabric of his trousers.

"I didn't." He says, so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

Slowly, as if the very movement pained him, Yoongi's eyes met mine, and my breath caught at the absolute sorrow beheld in his orbs that were once so full of life, but were now empty, a mirror reflection of mine. Tension stretch between us, and a thick heavy silence too, locking us in a bubble of only ourselves, and the feelings that had kept us apart for so long, now shattered like a bottle and pouring into one another.

"I didn't sleep with her."

I had nothing to say to that. And even if he hadn't denied, if he indeed had been sleeping with her, I wouldn't have felt anything.



Hesitantly, Yoongi stretches out a hand, and I allow him to gently cup my face, leaning into his warm forgiving touch and the seductive tingle down my spine it left. Slowly, torturously slow, his pale slender hands clasp my lower back and thighs and gently pull me closer to his body, each caress causing a heat in my abdomen that built as his face leaned towards mine. Inching closer, I could see his eyelashes framing chestnut eyes, red rimmed from crying, pupils dilated as shaking hot breath fans over my face. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him. Closing the short distance between us, my lips collided with him, and at that moment, time stilled. All I could feel was chapped chestnut tasting pillows of his lips hesitated before moving with mine in a hypnotic dance, the very movement causing heat to pool in my stomach.

With a shuddering breath, his hands trail a tortuously slow path up to cup my face, leaving a tingling pleasure throughout my body. All logical thought having left my head, I gently run my finger along his taunt abdomen, sealed from my wandering hands by a thin piece of cloth, that clung to the curves of his muscles, and this slight touch seemed to send Yoongi into a fenzy, his hands pulling me ever so closer. I could taste the saltiness of tears of his lips as we pressed closer, hands trailing to waistbands and delicately tracing the sensitive skin, circles and circles of sparks sending tingles down my spine.

With slight hesitation, Yoongi's tongue darts out from his mouth, and licks the edge of my lips, and I greet it eagerly, parting my lips in a spaced out moan, my thoughts filled with the feeling of his wet muscle exploring every part of my mouth. Slowly, ever so slowly, his kisses trail down to my jawline, soft tingling touches on flushed skin. Tilting my neck in pure desire, Yoongi takes the opportunity to gently nip at the skin, the abrupt pleasure causing my hands to pull at his hair, earning a delcious moan that caused the heat in my stomach to travel to my chest. Leaving an open mouthed kiss onto my neck, Yoongi continues on his path of destruction, leaving newly forming bruising in his wake.

Just before he reaches my heaving chest, Yoongi stops, swollen lips pulling back from flushed skin connected by a lewd string of saliva. Slowly, he raises his eyes to mine, our eyes not just staring at the pleasure torn state of us, but into our very beings. Tilting his head towards mine, Yoongi leans in again, the atmosphere changing to something deeper than just lust.


Caught like deers in headlights, our heads snap towards the door, where a quivering Mi-Kyang stands, face as pale as the moon, and eyes threatening to spill over.


okay that was hot

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