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Your P.O.V.~

How could you tell him something like that? How could you tell anyone something like that? You couldn't form the words on your tongue. So you sat there just crying into poor Wyatt's shirt, as he rubbed your back. Luckily you weren't ugly crying because you seriously didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him. After who knows how long, you finally stopped crying. Wyatt noticed this as he stopped rubbing your back.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" He asked with a look of concern on his face.

"I- um." You tried to form the words but it felt impossible.

You knew that the only way to be able to tell your parents was to tell somebody else first. And here he was the opportunity sat right in front of you but you just couldn't. So you looked up at Wyatt with a sad smile on your face as you shook your head. He nodded causing to think about what he should do.

"Is this something to do about Bucky?" Wyatt asked reaching for your hand to squeeze it.

You just nodded.

"Did he hurt you?" Wyatt asked as looked into his eyes, you could practically see the anger in his eyes.

You nodded slowly in response scared that he was going to be angry. But instead, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a big hug. Wyatt didn't say anything he just hugged you tightly as small tears ran down your cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry." He whispered into your white hair, before pulling away but not letting go of your hand. "Did he touch you before or is this the first time?" Wyatt looking you right in the eyes.

"T-this wasn't the first time." You whispered, looking at the ground.

"Isn't he your cousin?" Wyatt asked with concern.

You just nodded in response. He sat there looking you probably thinking about something as you held his hand. He saw you were looking at him so he smiled at you fangs and all. Then he leaned his head down and placed a kiss on your hand. After a bit of time, Wyatt finally said something.

"I know this might make you uncomfortable but I have to know. Did he ever full-on rape, you or just touch you?" Wyatt asked looking into your eyes.

"Touch." You whispered almost inaudibly but since werewolves have heightened hearing it was okay.

"Okay," Wyatt said standing up and clapping his hands together. "Bucky's scared of werewolves right?" 

"Um yeah?" You asked confused as to how this related to your problem.

"I'll be your boyfriend then," Wyatt said with a fanged grin.

"Um, says who?" You asked standing up in front of him.

"Me." He said with a growl, but you didn't flinch once.

"And that's supposed to mean something to me?" You asked sassily.

"Fine, let me explain. But first I meant fake dating.  And second, if he's scared of werewolves, I'll be kind of like your guard dog. Well, a handsome guard dog." He said raising his eyebrows flirtily as he spoke out the last part.

"Yeah, that won't work." You said back to him.

"Why not?" Wyatt asked, thinking his plan was brilliant.

"Yeah, well everyone thinks you like my sister." You said looking at his face to see if there was any blush on his face.

"I don't like her!" Wyatt called out annoyedly.

"Then why were you flirting with her!" You called back.

"I wasn't flirting!" Wyatt called.

"That was flirting!" You said angrily.

"Listen, I was tried to become friends with her because I need you and her on my side. But I can't tell you why yet. And besides, I liked someone else" Wyatt said with a cute smile that nearly made you melt.

"Oh." You said looking up at him.

Wyatt pushed a strand of your glossy white hair behind your ear as you stood there in the moonlight forest clearing. You watched Wyatt lean down as if he was about to kiss you felt your heart nearly stop. He brought his hand up to your cheek. And just when he got close enough to kiss you, you heard screaming coming from behind you. 

Zed, Addison, Eliza, Bree, and Bonzo, were standing there watching as Wyatt's hand went from your cheek to the back of his neck. You wiped your face to make sure there were no more tears left as you turned around.

Zed immediately jumped over a tree trunk running up to Wyatt who backed up. Zed seemed angry. Like seriously angry. He does, kind of treat you like you're his baby sister so this makes sense. You had to do something.

"Back away from her or the Z band comes off!" Zed yelled shoving Wyatt.

"I never hurt her man!" Wyatt yelled back shoving Zed harder.

"Guys stop!" You yelled.

Zed, ripped his Z band off, charging at Wyatt who used his agile wolf skills, to jump into a tree. Wyatt then flipped over landing behind Zed, who immediately turned around. You looked around anxiously until you spotted Zed's Z band. 

You quickly, grabbed it running over to Zed's left hand and wrapped it around his wrist. The second he calmed down Wyatt backed up. Zed was about to run back after Wyatt but you slapped him on the arm before he could do anything.

"Leave my boyfriend alone!" You yelled at Zed. 

"What?" Zed asked turning around confused.

"You heard me. Wyatt and I are dating." You said winking at Wyatt who only grinned back.

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