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Your P.O.V.~

You stretched your arms as you stepped through the doors, of Seabrook High side by side, with Addison. Once you stretched your arms nicely, you dropped your arms to your side. You and Addison had your white hair tied into a high ponytail and you were wearing your cheer uniforms. 

Addison immediately ran over to Zed who wasn't exactly hard to find in a crowd, you know since he's over six feet. You didn't want to brother Zed, and Addison so you decided to walk around. But just when you were about to walk away Addison called you.


"Yeah?" You asked as you walked over to where she and Zed were standing.

"What do you think we should do? Crash Prawn and break the rules, or skip it together." Addison asked you.

You sat there pondering the ideas in your head until you heard Bucky talking about the election across the floor. Of course! Zed should run for president! Then he could decide if the Zombies should be able, to go to Prawn.

"I have an even better idea!" You said happily.

"What?" Zed asked looking down at you.

"Zed you should run for President, because the School President, gets to make these rules!" You said excitedly as you watched your sister, and her boyfriend, nodding rapidly.

"That's a great idea!" Addison called out happily.

"Hey, Freaks!" Lacey, said heading over to the both of you.

"What?" You and Addison asked annoyedly at the same time.

"When we're captains, you're so off of the cheer squad," Stacey said with a mean smirk.

"Well, when we're captains we'll let you stay because cheer is about sticking together," Addison said to the rude Aceys.

"You guys suck at trash talk, but whatever we have to go cheer for Bucky!" The girls said herding us away from Zed, and Eliza who had just arrived during this awkward exchange.

We finally made it into the Auditorium, which had a stage thrown in the middle of it. The whole room was empty, for now just us cheerleaders, Bucky, and the band he hired to play music for him. Bucky walked around making sure everything was ready for his grand entrance, then once everything was ready it was finally nine o'clock. 

Everyone was going, to arrive, so sure enough Bucky got into his hiding place, and people began entering the room. Once the whole room, was full of all the students of Seabrook High, Principle Lee made it onto the stage, welcoming everyone here.

"Welcome, everybody to the nomination ceremony, for the Seabrook High Presidential Election!" She said smiling at the crowd as everyone clapped. "So who do you want to nominate? Just a reminder, being school President means we get to hang. Want to hang? Anyone?" She said looked around at the crowd that had just gone silent.

"Oh! We could come up with our own very complicated, high five!" Principle Lee said struggling to fistbump her self, you chuckled a bit at your principles, awkwardness, as you waited for the signal.

Then the band began to play signaling for the cheerleaders, to began shaking the pompoms they were holding. So you Addison and Bree, were standing next to each other, shaking your pompoms in your hands. Then all over the room Posters, fell from the ceiling, and balconies. All of them read 'Vote for Bucky,' with a picture of his face.

And finally, the crowd of cheerleaders split, down the middle, letting Bucky, through as he did at least 4 front flips onto the stage. You had to be honest you hated your perverted cousin, but he had some serious cheer skills. You and the rest of the cheerleaders began clapping as Bucky landing on the stage, smiling at the crowd.

"Great news guys! You have a brilliant and cheek tested candidate, running for President!" He said doing a small whoop with his fist. "ME!" He said swiping his hands over his face.

"Bucky, Bucky!" Bucky began cheering for himself as he began encouraging the crowd to do so as well.

You were standing next to Bree as you continued to cheer for Bucky. You watched as Bree, smiled at Bonzo who turned bright red, turning away from her. Bree frowned a bit but returned to cheering for Bucky, so you turned back to Bonzo. And lo and behold, Bonzo accidentally pushed Zed with the trumpet. 

Zed tumbled down the stairs, before landing on the ground in a heap. Everyone who had been cheering for Bucky immediately stopped to look at Zed. Who jumped up from the ground as nothing happened.

"Woooo!" Zed screamed, standing up at the podium, the principle Lee, had just abandoned. "Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for President!" Zed called out making more than half of the gym clap loudly for him.

"He can't steal my spotlight! What about the anti-monster laws?" Bucky complained like the brat that he is.

"Anyone can run for President Bucky!" Addison said bravely.

"She has a point," Principle Lee seconded for Addison.

"A zombie President?" Lacey asked.

"Eww!" The aceys said together.

"If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!!" Zed called out loudly with his arms opened wide.

"Zed, Zed, Zed, Zed!" You and Addison called out together, leading to the rest fo the school joining in. 

"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-" Zed began but was interrupted by Bree, screaming.

"Werewolves!" She called out.

"Um, no why would we want- WEREWOLVES!" Zed screamed pointing towards the doors. 

Oh Boy.

Guardian ۵Wyatt Lykensen۵ (✓)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu