Chapter 44-Black Bandit Group

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After coming down from mountain containing the Cliff of Abyss, Xiu Xiang drifted from town to town only to hear that Lotus City was about to hold a festival, which made things even better. She hadn't had fun in ages but didn't have any funds. By chance during her trip, she came across groups of bandits who claimed to be a part of the Black Bandit Group. Since they were bandits who stole from others, she decided to get her funds from them. This group would be the fourth group that she had run into this week.

Not that the current robbery had anything to do with her. She wasn't a saint. But... she's already stolen quite a bit from the Black Bandit Group. What's a little bit more? She would have more funds to have fun. Since she was out and about without any responsibilities, she might as well have as much fun as she could.

Big Brother Yu never thought that they would be robbed during daylight, especially by a young woman who looked like she was from a noble family.

"We're the Black Bandit Group. Do you really want to make an enemy out of us?!" the youth on the horse shouted angrily at Xiu Xiang.

When the circus troupe heard this name, every single person let out a gasp. They heard much about the group during their travels. They were sure that Xiu Xiang was going to die for offending such a dangerous group of criminals.

"Well..." Xiu Xiang disappeared on the spot and reappeared in front of Big Brother Yu within a blink of an eye. She grabbed him harshly by the collar then spoke in a voice only loud enough for him to hear.

"Do you really want to make an enemy out of me?" Xiu Xiang's eyes flickered a dangerous red light.

Ever since her phoenix lineage had awoken, she could change her eyes color and aura at will. She didn't want to use the title of a Demoness so she could only use her look to terrorize the group.

"Of course not. I would never offend you, Miss," Big Brother Yu said nervously. No matter how confident Big Brother Yu was in his skills, he wasn't brazen enough to offend the someone who could give off such a dangerous vibe. Just one look of those chilling red eyes, he quickly released Yao Yao and chuckled lightly. Yao Yao on the other hand, when she saw Xiu Xiang's red eyes, she froze on the spot. Her legs had turned to stone from fright.

Xiu Xiang looked down at Yao Yao and cocked her head to the side, "Why aren't you leaving? Want to stay and become a bandit's bride?"

Yao Yao's eyes widen in horror. At first she thought that Xiu Xiang was a kind hero who had stepped in to help her. She even thought that Xiu Xiang looked extremely handsome. To her disappointment, Xiu Xiang was nothing more than a petty thief fishing in trouble waters. Xiu Xiang's threat was enough to force her frozen legs to move. The moment her legs started moving, she sped as fast as she could toward the circus troupe.

Once that was taken care of, Xiu Xiang eyed the money pouch on Big Brother Yu's waist.

"Hand over all your money," Xiu Xiang ordered. Big Brother Yu quickly took off the pouch from his waist and handed it over to her. Then her eyes trailed over to his men who also had similar pouches on their waist. "All of you, hand over your money too."

The bandits reached for the swords on their waist when Xiu Xiang's aura flared up. Every single bandit felt as if a thousand pounds were being pressed down on their body. Just the pressure alone was enough for them to quickly take off their money pouches and tossed it her way. She quickly put away the money she collected.

Looking around to see if there was anything else she could take, she saw the horse that Big Brother Yu had fallen off from.

"Hm... nice stallion. I'll take your horse too."

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