Chapter 8-Saving the Enemy Again

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Who knew how long she had been asleep?

When Xiu Xiang opened her eyes again, she found herself in a trench covered with broken tree branches and leaves. She couldn't move as moving was extremely painful. She was sure she broke some bones in several places. She didn't get to inspect her own body as she heard multiple voices in the distance.
"Did you find her body?" came a familiar voice. Xiu Xiang froze and tried not to breathe heavily. She heard Wang Yue clicked his tongue out of frustration.
"That wench couldn't possibly get up and walk away. The drop was at least twenty feet," he snapped.

"Senior Brother, calm down. Like you said, it was at least twenty foot drop. If we can't find her body, it could only mean that demon beasts had gotten to her body first," Song Yi Yan explained.

"I agree with Shimei. That waste is most likely dead. Let's get back to the competition and let master know as soon as possible," Ren Wu Ji suggested.

"Fine. Where's Liu Li?" Wang Yue asked. Ren Wu Ji sighed heavily as replied, "She didn't believe that Master wanted that waste dead and left for the meeting point."

"Argh. I'm going to let Master know about this. She's becoming more and more impudent by the day!" Wang Yue hissed. The three voices slowly faded into the distance and then there was complete silence. Xiu Xiang thanked her lucky stars that it was dark where she had fallen if not, she would be dead for sure.

Morning arrived and Xiu Xiang finally made an attempt to get up. Every movement made her wince in pain, but she clenched her teeth and forced herself into a sitting position. She examined and herself and found multiple gashes all over her body but felt no broken bones.

Weird, she thought. She was so sure she had broken bones in several places. Shrugging off the thought, she pulled out some medicine in her bag and swallowed it down while smearing paste on her injuries. A few hours later, the pain lessened but didn't subside. What replaced it was an aching soreness.

She spent all day trying to find a way out of the mountains when she came upon a familiar figure. Wei Xing was fighting alone with a demon beast. He easily slaughtered the beast but the moment he won, he tumbled to his knees. She slowly approached him only to have him spin around and aim his sword at her.

"You!" he started to say only to spit out blood.

"You're poisoned!" Xiu Xiang exclaimed. She recognized the symptoms. She easily got bitten by demon beast snakes but knew the antidote to their poison. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out some premade antidote. "Here, take this."

He eyed the medicine in her palm and reluctantly took it. The moment he swallowed it, his eyes bulged and he choked back on blood. Xiu Xiang gently patted his back as she told him, the pain would slowly subside, and it did.

"Why are you out here alone? Where's your group?" he asked. She wondered if she should tell him the truth.

"I... I got lost," she lied. Wei Xing eyed her suspiciously for a long time, but he didn't say anything. His palm suddenly went to her abdomen and she felt spiritual energy course through her body for a few seconds only to stop. His brows furrowed as he looked at her.

"Did you not take the pill I gave you?" he asked. Why was he asking her so many questions?

"I did," she replied.

"And your power core was sealed again," he added.

She bit her lower lip but didn't say anything. His eyes traveled to her shoulder and his face darkened.

"You're injured by an arrow," he said suddenly. Xiu Xiang quickly turned her shoulder away but it was too late. He grabbed her harshly and turned her back so that he could examine her shoulder. "You were hunted by your own team?"

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