Chapter 20-The First Fight with the Enemy

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Xiu Xiang nearly choked on her dinner as she side glanced at Bai Qing. She was given a glance just as nervous. Just what the heck was she supposed to say?

"Uh... Xi..." Her eyes darted left and right until it landed on the deep fried fish in front of her. "Xi Xiao Yu."

"Xi... Xiao Yu?" Wei Xing repeated back as if he was unsure if that was what she had really said.

"Right. My name is Xi Xiao Yu," she said more confidently.

"Where are you headed after this?" he asked.

Why does he want to know so much? When she had suggested dinner, it was because she hated eating alone. If she had known that he was going to interrogate her like this, she would've parted ways with them when she had the chance.

"Um..." She tried to remember where the Demoness had gone after she came out of the abyss and then blurted, "Cai Yi Town. I was going to start a business down there as a... herbalist."

"That is a shame. You have a rare talent for fighting. Wouldn't it be better if you studied under a master at sect instead? If you did, you would have more opportunities and options in the future," Wei Xing suggested.

Yea... been there. Done that. Look where that got her.


"How about coming back with me to Tian Ling Sect?" he added.

Aiya! Wei Xing, I've spent so many days running away from that place and you want me to go back? Are you crazy? I'd rather die before I get dragged back there.

She laughed nervously and replied, "Let me think about."

"I'll give you until morning to decide," he said and then finally went back to eating.

Yea, right. I'll be long gone before then.

Dinner ended at last and Xiu Xiang couldn't wait to escape back to her room. Once she was alone, she lifted up her hands and with a simple chant, the golden shackles around her wrists appeared. It hasn't lost its powers even after all this time. She sighed heavily as she dropped her wrists. Her mind started to wander and then she remembered what Hua Jian said before he disappeared.

The child of the Demon King will one day lead the demons to paradise...

She did say that she would become a proud Demoness. Did she really have no choice but to journey around and scout out strong demons to start her own clan? She shook her head at the thought.

"No. I'm not going to lead the same life as the Demoness," she assured herself. Just as she made up her mind, her magic pouch started to shine. Frowning, she walked over to the table and opened up her magic pouch. She reached inside and pulled out a small brocade box. The moment her hand touched it, the glowing disappeared and the latch on it snapped open.

"Huh?" This was one of the treasures she had stolen from Feng Mian. She hadn't been able to open it before and didn't want to pawn it off so she left it in her magic pouch until now. How strange for it to suddenly unlock by itself.

She lifted back the lid of the box and only to gasp in shock.

"It's the jade pendant that sent me into the novel!" she gasped. The jade pendant was exactly the same, the carving of the phoenix, even the tassel on it. She picked it up and flipped it back and forth to examine it. There was no doubt that this beautiful white piece of jade was the same one. She quickly tossed the box aside and held it tightly in her hand.

"Please, send me back to my world. I don't want to stay here anymore!" she pleaded desperately. She never realized how hard life was in a pugilistic world as this but no matter how much she begged it to, it stayed the same. She was just about to toss it aside when it started glowing. Her eyes widen in surprised and she prayed even harder. She waited for a voice to speak but nothing came. The jade stayed glowing and then the door to her room slammed open with Wei Xing standing behind it.

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