Chapter 8

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

It was night now and the boys left because they were too drunk. Jinyoung and Mark were sober so they were the ones who put the other drunk members to their car.

I waved at them and went inside my house. I opened my tv and put it on the CCTV. I have them lying around the woods. I watched the boys to see if they drive safely out of the woods.

When I see that I did, I was about to turn it off but I saw figures of people coming towards my house. I stood up and looked at the door. Who the hell are these people?!

I ran to my bedroom and put on my mask and a hoodie so they won't see my face. I heard the door open by force. I grunted, that door was expensive! They are going to pay for that.

I turned into a vampire and went outside and looked at the people who broke into my house. Good thing the girls aren't here, they might get hurt.

I was about to pounce at them, I'm already at mid-air but I saw who they are. It was BTS! I stopped at mid-air and landed right in front of them.

"Well, look who it is," Namjoon said smirking. I glared at him and to the others too. I saw Yoongi glaring at me so I felt a little pang on my heart.

"Hello Vampiress, or should I say Hyeon-Ju," Hoseok said while he was crossing his arms. I got taken aback. How the hell did they know?

"Who the hell is Hyeon-Ju?" I said with a different voice. I can't let them know it's me. They can't.

They got confused so they looked at each other. This was my chance to run away without hurting them. I ran with great speed and jumped so high that they were under me. When I landed right behind them, I ran out of my house.

"Guys! Turn it on, now!" Namjoon said so I looked behind me. They were holding a machine and they turned it on.

I got stunned as I felt like a wave ran over me. I got weak all of a sudden, they ran to me but I ran away with my normal speed. Shit! I they are going overrun me.

I coughed as the machine made me weaker. I looked at my hand where I coughed. There were small droplets of blood. No! Is this shit going to kill me?!

I stopped running and tried to use my remaining power to run to Namjoon. I kicked the machine off his hands and destroyed it. When I did, some of my power came back.

I shot a glare at Namjoon and ran again.

"Yoongi! Run after her!" Namjoon said to Yoongi. He nodded and started chasing me. I gritted my teeth while I tried to go faster.

He ended up catching on me and he pinned me to the ground. He glared at me and took a hold of my mask.

"It's time to unmask you, Vampiress." He screamed trying to remove my mask. I kept holding onto it because I'm scared. I'm scared that he will find out that it's me.

I tried to get away from his grip but I was too weak because of the fucking contraption these boys made to make me weak. He succeeded in taking my mask off so I quickly put both of my hands on my face.

"Stop resisting, god damn it!" He said and pulled my hands away from my face. I tightly closed my eyes not looking at him. I know, I know the face he's making right now.

He's disgusted. He will never like me now.

"Fuck! Is that really you..."

When he was distracted I pushed him off me. "Get off me!" I glared at him while I put my hand on my mouth.

I'm too weak, and I need blood. He is right in front of me so I smell his blood from his veins.

"I can't believe I trusted you!" I said and walked to him. I put my other hand to his shoulder.

"Can I be stupid and trust you again? Please don't tell the others," I said and pushed him away and ran away.

I ran away from them and looked for any animal to drink on.

Yoongi's POV

I stood up when Hyeon-Ju pushed me to the floor. So it was really her? She is really Vampiress.

"Yoongi!" Someone shouted behind me so I looked at them. It was the boys.

"Are you okay? Where is Vampiress?" Namjoon said walking to me. I thought about what Hyeon-Ju said and remembered her eyes that were begging me to not tell them.

"I unmasked her but she got away. It was not Hyeon-Ju though," I lied looking away from their gaze. I can't believe I'm lying for our opponent.

I looked at the mask I was holding when I unmasked her. I gave it to Namjoon. He took it and looked at me.

"Let's go home, it looks like she is too dangerous. Let's just pass some time to know who she really is," Namjoon said and we walked away from the woods. I looked back and saw red glowing eyes looking at me.

The eyes disappeared into darkness so I looked back to my front. Why did I lie for her? Do I really like her?

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