~ Chapter 37 ~

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I was instilled with a new sense of paranoia. Day after day, I woke up in an empty home. Week after week I still went to school. I smiled at my friends and I kept to myself. Every time I was given an offer to skip school or do something fun. My father's voice jabbed my brain, so I decided against it.

If that wasn't enough, Axel's group seemed to tiptoe around me. Even Athena would catch herself sometimes. She would start to say something, then just laugh it off and change the subject. It was starting to piss me off. I hate to admit it.

"Have you seen Axel?" I asked Mia once I got to her locker. Everyone might be acting funny, but I still remember what Athena was hinting at the other day. For a few moments, my head was clouded. Axel managed to distract me, but today I was going to ask again.

"Behind the school, in that area,"

I knew exactly which area she was talking about.

"Alright, I have to talk to him. I'll catch you before lunch," I give her a quick hug and head my way to the back.

My emotions were all over the place. I could handle my love life being in shambles, but Athena? Mia seemed like she was oblivious to the whole situation, which I was thankful for. She's been the only person I can stomach being around lately.

I push past the propped door. The smell of cigarettes smacks me in my face and I can't help, but let out a string of coughs.

"No one told you to walk through the door,"

"I didn't ask." I managed to snap back at Kaiden through my coughs.

I could see Axel from the corner of my eye. He was the one smoking by the door. A silence followed after an exchange of looks between the boys. They were starting to upset me. Why were they treating me like this? Don't they know I'm crazy? Just let me know and I'll turn the switch on.

I try to look towards Noah, he avoids my eyes. I had to raise a brow.

I open my mouth- just to shut it right back. Quickly turning, I walk through the door.

Fuck them

No one gets to treat me like shit. Fuck Athena too, for riding their coat tail. I thought I heard a weak-ass attempt of calling after me, but I didn't turn back. I walked straight into French.

I could've asked them what was up. I was going to, actually. However, there was something that I felt when I walked into their space. I have no problem recognizing when I'm not wanted. For whatever reason, I'm not wanted right now.

So fuck them and their reasoning


"They're not ignoring me, but it's different,"

The conversation came up as we were walking to my car after school. She said that they had been short with her too.

"Well, what's the issue?" She frowns.

"I don't know, that's what I wanted to talk to Axel about, but I didn't get the chance. The bell rung," Lie.

"Where is he now? Maybe you can talk to him,"

I glance at her, "It's alright, I won't force them to talk to me,"

Unfortunately, at the mere mention of him, he popped into my vision. He was leaning against a car in his regular parking spot. I made it a point not to look at him.

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