~ Chapter 61 ~

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I went straight home

I told Mia about the text on the way home. If my father gets upset and decides to do something outlandish, it affects her too. I should've kept that in mind. Mia has nowhere to go. Even though I didn't go to the carnival out of spite, I did it recklessly.


He was my little revelation last night. I was going to text him and all was going to be perfect. I didn't think about how my father would feel about that either. How could I so quickly forget that being in contact with him is against my father's rules?

When I woke up this morning I didn't see another text from him. I went to school early to try and calm my nerves and get my mind right for the rest of the day. If he knew I went to the carnival he would've made that information aware to me.

I'm a dumbass - I really thought he wouldn't care.

Mia and I split ways' she went to the cafeteria and I made my way to the library. I sit in my usual spot next to the large windows. It's foggy today, I can barely see the road next to the school. The aesthetic scenery does help to calm my nerves. It's early enough that no one is in the library but my librarian friend. 

I wish I was a princess- so then I can stare at the sky in pretty dresses. I would ride my horse into the woods every morning. I would be kind to everyone I meet. From the servants to the royal guard, I would only show kindness and respect. I would have a full family; the queen and the king. If they weren't nice people they would at least leave me alone.

I would find a nice prince, one that's kind and true. A prince that I share true love with. Actually- he doesn't have to be a prince at all. Maybe a knight, or a hard-working peasant. He must be respectful and have a warm heart. His smile can be kind, or it can be a little rough.

What if my father, the king, tried to arrange a marriage for me? That happens all the time to princesses. I can only imagine the betrayal princesses felt. Only being born and raised to be a counterpart to a man. Not even a counterpart to a man- a man's servant. Where it's expected that your only purpose is to bare your husband's child. What would I do? I'd runaway-


Is that how I solve everything? When Axel said it I didn't believe him. I feel like I deal with my problems effectively. I think it out, I decide how I want to respond, then I act. However, if that were true, I wouldn't be in my current situation. Running away from my real problems and acting out.


I tear my eyes away from the window. With a large sigh, I make my way to my French class. The French exam is coming up and it's probably the exam that I'm most confident about. Contrary to what I believed at the beginning of the year. It's a langu-

A large hand grabs my arm and pulls me through a door. The hand pulled me out of the school's entrance leading outside. I turn around to yell.

"Lucas, stop, I'm going to be lat-"

He interrupts me, a scowl settled deep into his face. "You just can't help yourself?"

I've heard that before

"What are you talking about?" I try and yank my arm from his hand, but his grip doesn't yield.

"You just had to go to that carnival?" He spits, "You're on your last leg, Victoria, what don't you get?"

I rip my arm from his hold. "You're still following me?"

He moves to talk but I cut him off again. "And for general knowledge, I asked my father if I could go. He responded as I was leaving the damn carnival," I seethe, "Maybe I should've waited until I got his response, you're right, but I don't see what this has to do with you,"

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