~ Chapter 33 ~

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Lucas Saunters, huh?

He must be dumber than I thought if he thinks I haven't noticed his presence around Victoria. He always seems to be around. When I'm with her, he's normally not too far behind. I know Victoria hasn't noticed and I don't want to tell her - not yet.

It would be hard to believe if I just went and outright told her that he's following her, so until I get proof, I'll just have to spend more time with her.

Not that I'm complaining

"This fight - if you win - will get you fifteen thousand," Noah busts through the gym VIP doors.


We all look at Tyler. I slap him in the back of the head. This dude is the dumbest smart person I've ever met. He can give you all the elements on the periodic table, but ask how to screw in a lightbulb.



"I don't care, deal."

"Listen-" Noah cuts sharply, "This dude isn't what you're used to. The bigger the money the higher the threat, you know that,"

"How bad can he be?" Now curious, Noah normally was for fighting anybody and everybody.

He sets a computer in front of me pressing play. The black screen blinks into an arena. A large man relentlessly beating into someone under him. I couldn't tell who the person under him was, his blood was the only thing I could see. The body lies motionless, yet the man on top kept throwing punches. Refs looked scared to get in the middle. Yelling and screams seemed to be the only sound.

Out of nowhere three cops came and pulled the bigger guy off of the motionless body. I can't see the man breathing, even after the larger guy is pulled off. While police were fighting with the bigger guy, paramedics flock to the body on the ground. With a few shakes of the head, that's when the video cuts off.

"The dude on the ground was Scott Taylor,"


"Kumar Williams beat him to death that day,"

"I'm pretty sure murder is like thirty years in jail and I don't think we're talking about fighting an elder here," Kaiden was right, why the hell isn't Kumar Williams in jail?

Believe me, I'm no angel, but murder is murder.

"There wasn't even a trial. Scott's wife and daughter buried him the next Friday and there were absolutely no consequences given to Kumar,"

"That only makes me want to fight him more,"

"He's an asshole - no doubt, but what I'm trying to say is that he has powerful people behind him. This guy might be more trouble than the money is worth,"

"I understand that, but bills are coming up and money is short. I don't know about you guys, but I can't go back to living with my father. I won't,"

"We're all running from something, Axel, but is the fight really worth your life? We've always made ends meet, this time isn't any different,"

"Exactly, that's why I'm taking the fight," I stand to go confirm the reservation with Romano. My hand was on the door before Kaiden spoke up.

"Think of Victoria,"

How to Steal a HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora