
286 14 3

3rd person pov.

It was weekend and Si young had no plan at all. She got one. Sleeping all day at home.

But, the plan only lasted until noon when she,

"I AM SO BORED!" another scream echoed her room.

She vigorously tapped her phone and put it on her right ear.

She let a sigh when there was no response at all from Jimin. Her phone almost landed on the poor wall when a ringing butt in.

Without checking the id, she answered in harshly thinking the caller was her best friend.

"Where are you? I'm so bored! Come to my place" she pleaded.

The call was silent for a while making her went insane.

"Just come here quickly" then she hung up.

She decided to change her clothes since Jimin would come any time.

20 minutes later, a doorbell sound excited her. She grinned widely while running to get the door.

She unlocked the door, opened it,

"You are finally here, Jimi-" she stopped when she saw the person in front of her.

Min Yoongi with a black hoodie, a smile on him, greeted her.

She was so shocked and wondered why was he here.

"What are you doing here?" curiousity lingered in her. He raised his eyebrow in question.

"You called me over" a sudden ringing interrupted their conversation.

It was Jimin calling her.

"Hey, Jimin" she started. "You're busy? It's okay though, I'm just bored. Yea, see you on Monday, bye. Yeah, I love you too"

After she hung up, she rushly checking her history call. And there it was. 30 minutes ago, Yoongi.


"I'm sorry" He shook his head while munching the slice of pizza. "I'm bored too"

She let out a relief breath once she heard it.

"Are you two a thing?" His question made her confused.

"With Jimin" She nodded as she understood what he meant but on the other side, he choked.

"Yes, eh no. We're just best friend" she handed him a glass of water.

"Why did you ask by the way?"


She muttered 'okay' and the silence began.

"Netflix with popcorns?" He tapped his fingers on the table as he was thinking of her offer.

"It's just 2 p.m." She frowned at him and made an 'ok' sign with her fingers. Then she took her cup and went to wash it.

She was a bit sad that he rejected her offer when she was in a very bored mode.

Her ears caught a sound of the dragging chair and a light footsteps.

"Going back?" She asked him.

"I'm going to get some popcorns"

He put his palm around the door knob as he turned it and got out once it opened.

Unknowingly, Si Young was smiling from ear to ear while watching his figure gone further away.

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