cliche much

394 16 4

si young's pov.

I almost forgot!

"Jimin-ah, I forgot something in my locker"

He eyed me suspiciously and suddenly laughed. "Your secret admire?"

I sheepishly nod. "I will wait here. Go" he chuckled.

As if he didn't have any secret admire.

It had been days now. Someone sent me letters everyday. Two letters in a day, in the morning and after class.

Actually, it was weird since he knew all my classes. I had morning class on Monday and Thurday only, others were all noon class.

I opened my locker and there it was. He always sent purple letter. Maybe he knew I love purple?

'Hey, I'm dying to talk to you, you know. Actually yesterday, we had an eye contact. I was so nervous. I've always look down when you were passing by. Yesterday is my best day ever. I hope you have a great day today. Bye, pretty!'

-your secret admire

Oh gosh, how cute he was. He always give me a drink as in coffee, my favourite.

I needed to drink this, at least he would know I noticed him.

A tap on my shoulder almost made me shout out of surprise.

Damn, who is-

"The file?" Yoongi extended his hand with his annoyed expression.

Damn this guy, he must not even knew what a smile is.

I took the file from my locker and handed to him.

He raised his eyebrow as he looked at it.

What now? I sighed.

"Bye, pretty. Your secret admire" Fuck, maybe I accidentaly put the letter on the file.

I took the letter in rush. "Not your business"

His chuckled suddenly gave me a goosebumb. Seriously, this was the first time he chuckle.

He eyed me with a smirk and walked to me closer.

"My dog looks prettier. Oh, cliche much?"

He turned around and left me there dumbfounded.

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