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"I've been holding my breath

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"I've been holding my breath.I've been counting to ten"-July By Noah Cyrus


First part : " I knew you'd haunt all of my what if's" - cardigan, Taylor Swift


JJ was six, when his first met Lacey Reynolds. He was in elementary school, it was around the time everyone would go home. The boy would offend smile, laugh and play. Even as a child he was reckless, jumping of objects in the classroom. That's exactly how he gained the girl's attention. Although she sat quietly in the back of class, drawing a heart with all her family members in, the girl couldn't help herself glance when hearing a small thud. It wasn't loud, it just so happened to be closer to her than anyone else. The four year old, glanced across to a blonde boy, the same age as her, rubbing his knee. At the time, Lacey was always sympathetic to everyone. Her mother said she had gotten it from her husband. The Doctors saying something along the lines that Lacey had been the quietest child they've come across.

"are you okay?"

JJ snapped his head around not aware that anyone had seen him fall. His whole face turning a scarlet pink. He didn't want to look up at the girl, to embarrass to say anything. He just nodded.He stood up after that, still not looking at the girl.

"You sure?"

Lacey kept her eyes on the injury on the boy's leg. She was to concerned if they boy was seriously hurt. Her Dad always told her to be kind. 'Give help we're help was needed.' However she was only six, her help was never needed.

JJ nodded again, this time walking away from the smaller girl. He didn't give her a chance to look at his face. To embarrassed to even speak. Lacey smiled after that, going back to whatever drawing a six year old thought was amazing. She didn't think about the boy after that, assume he was fine after he walked away without any signs of injury.

It took JJ a few minutes to get over the mortifying feeling that overcame him. As a six year old, that feeling felt as though it was never going away. When he finally got the courage to look around the room, he hoped the girl wasn't going to conversate with him again. She didn't, to in grossed in the her drawing.

Six year old JJ could of sworn she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Besides his Mom. Her hair was similar to his, blonde however a shade lighter. Glasses taking over her whole face, which made her eyes seem even bigger. She had Green eyes, the biggest JJ had ever seen. And these freckles, that took over her whole face. There wasn't an inch of the girls face that didn't have at least one freckle. Her hair in loose plates, hair coming out of each one. The boy stared for as long as he could, before his mom came to collect him. He didn't mind though, believing at the time that girls had coodies so he stayed away for the rest of the year.

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