The Cool Drink

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Soreness filled her body, and she wanted to roll onto her right side and curl up. Her body, though, protested, and she groaned in discomfort. Her hands were able to lift up a little, and she felt that she could put some weight on them. Coming to such a realization caused her to drift into consciousness more. Steadily, her eyelids blinked open. Dull, grey natural light flowed into the room from the two windows. Her throat felt parched, and she couldn't remember being moved or anything. From what she could tell, she hadn't awoken into that blurry, partially awake state again. As her (e/c) eyes opened more, (f/n) registered that a form was moving to her right. What sounded like water being poured met her ears, and her eyes drifted over towards that direction.

Ether stood there, and his eyes soon locked onto hers. The close distance between them almost made her jump since she just was waking up, especially since momentarily the nearly white hair had made her think ... A chill snaked through her body, and he noticed the slight tremble of her limbs. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he held out the water for her.

A frown formed on her lips. He was testing how much she could do. She pushed against her hands more and managed to get herself into a sitting position. His eyes watched her the entire time. It wasn't until she almost fell back down that he hurriedly set down the water, closed the distance and supported her up. Ether propped the pillow behind her and rested her against it. "... Thanks," she muttered as her mind pieced together their last conversation.

All of the tears and emotions struck at her heart and mind, and they made his touch feel ... welcoming. She shoved the thought aside and saw him pull away before he picked up the water again. He held it out to her, and she focused on lifting her arms up. Barely, she was getting them away from her sides, and she concentrated more on the task. "I think," her arms moved a little more, and her words were stressed due to her exertion, "that I'm getting ..." Almost there. "I'm getting ..." Her fingertips nearly touched the cup of water. "Better." Finally, they graced the plastic container.

Wrapping her fingers around the cup, he slowly let go. Without his support, though, her grip wasn't enough to hold it up. Instantly, he wrapped his right hand back around the cup. It ran over her hands securely, and she felt a light bit of heat enter her cheeks. His touch felt so ... nice. Mentally, she cursed at herself. Just because she admitted that she missed him and couldn't leave his side, she couldn't start getting all embarrassed whenever their skin made contact. Otherwise, the future days were going to be long and even more frustrating than they had been with him in the past.

"Good. I was worried." He helped her bring the water closer to her lips. She gave him a questioning look. "After our ... talk," his eyes averted from hers before they returned back to her gaze more intently, "you ... Well, you've been asleep completely for the last two days." Ether aided her in tipping the water glass. (F/n) would've been surprised if her throat hadn't felt so neglected. "We were going to start back up with the smoothies and water today if you didn't wake up."

Cool water touched her tongue before it traveled down her throat in a relieving manner. It was as though it was warm coffee after a long day in the snow. "But, I wanted to wait even if it probably wasn't the best decision. I didn't want to disturb you too much after our talk. You really had exhausted yourself; you needed the rest." She nodded in understanding and drank more of the water until the whole glass was gone.

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