42 - Parties & Post Break Up Conversations

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From one party to another.

Penelope Martin's Annual Spring Break Party.

Which she hosted at her parents cabin. Usually she waits until spring break is halfway over until she has the biggest rave but I knew that she had ulterior motives. I knew she wanted me to see Jamie and I knew that she wanted us to fix things and live happily ever after with a dog (preferably a golden retriever).I knew Penelope way too well,and I also knew that she loved control. The only problem was that my mind was still all over the place(insert laughter so it doesn't seem like you're going insane).Everything was so confusing!
I couldn't face reality.I couldn't even face what happened at my cousin's birthday party, well nothing happened between Leo and I,but I can't deny that I wanted nothing to happen between Leo and I.


It's just that I was and I still am deeply attracted to the boy my cousin has a huge crush on and he asked me for my number, and then I avoided him the entire night.I seeked refuge in the bathroom,it wasn't that bad because the bathroom was really fancy.

"Mia! There you are!You're late too", Penelope exclaimed as soon as I entered the front door. I struggled to push pass the people to get to her.
Penelope wore full black, a strapless, short little dress that barely reached her knee. She looked beautiful as always and her mood seemed as vibrant as ever.

" I said I would see you anon", I smiled as I hugged her.

"Don't talk Shakespeare to me", Penelope rolled her eyes and turned away from me. I followed her without questioning where we were headed.

" Is Yoko here? ", I asked looking around.

" Are you mad? Her prim and proper parents would never send her to a party like this", Penelope basically spat.

She wasn't wrong though, Yoko's parents basically treated her like she was in jail. She wasn't even allowed to have a cell phone, so the idea of her even attending a typical boy/girl party would have made them have heart attacks.

"I just thought they would give her some freedom this year since we're juniors but I guess I expected too much", I laughed.

" Share the joke dude", I turned to see glasses and a petite figure.

"Brooklyn", I smiled. I hadn't seen her since the night we met for the first time and I actually did want to talk to her again.

"Dude, I thought I wasn't gonna see you ever again", she laughed and hugged me.

The sound of the music cut through Brooklyn's words and I almost couldn't hear what she said.

" I wouldn't go missing on you like that", I smiled at her as we broke away from the hug.

"And this is?", Penelope interrupted rudely.

" This is Brooklyn, I met her at Ronaldo's party. Brooklyn this is -"

"Penelope Martin obviously I know the host of the party. Please call me B", Brooklyn said stretching out her hand.

"Nice to meet you or whatever B. Mia, come I have to speak to you", Penelope pulled me by the hand and led me through the crowd of people.

I looked back at Brooklyn but I had lost her in the crowd.

" You're so rude! ", I exclaimed as we went out through the back door.

" What? I needed to talk to you about something important ", she rolled her eyes.

I gazed around at the night. The lake was still and a cool breeze greeted the atmosphere.

" Let me guess-"
"No, don't guess. I know you and Jamie broke up but I don't know why", she shook her head at me.
I sighed and walked down the pier. Penelope followed behind me.
" Mia, please talk to me. "

"I miss him, I need to see him", I said not looking at her.

"I spoke to Kaylin. "

"And? ", I asked eagerly.

" He said Jamie's in Philadelphia", Penelope's words hurt my heart.
"He's spending the spring break there."

"Could we join the party out here?", Christian's voice was loud and pulled me out of the moment.

Christian and Marcellous were now walking toward Penelope and I with huge smiles plastered across their face.

" Hey guys", I smiled.

"Hi Mia, hi Penelope", Christian greeted.

" Marcellous", Penelope flashed him a smile.

"Great party", Marcellous nodded as if he were impressed.

" We should all go dance, what do you think Mia? ", Christian looked at me.

" Of course, Do you know Penelope is a great dancer? "

"I have to see it to believe it", Christian replied with a laugh.

" You're going down ", Penelope said as she grabbed him by the hand and they headed inside.

I laughed because I didn't think that was going to work out the way it did.

"You're trying to help Christian get with Penelope? ", Marcellous asked shaking his head.

"I was going to investigate how legitimate he was before helping but I realised that she's a big girl, she can take care of herself", I shrugged as we entered the house.

The music cut my ears and I wasn't sure if they were bleeding yet.
" You're a good person, Mia. You won't admit it but you look for the good in others", Marcellous smiled at me.

"I just want the best for my friend, and honestly I'm being a bad friend for not looking into the intentions of your friend but I just don't have the energy", I screamed so he could hear me, people were everywhere and it was really uncomfortable.

" There's a reason why you don't have the energy and I want to know what that reason is", he raised an eyebrow as we pushed past people.

"You really want to know my sad stories? ", I stopped and looked at him in shock

"Nothing would make me happier then to just hear you speak. Your voice is really comforting. "

I wasn't sure if I heard him right and for a second I just stood there and stared at him.

"Where can we go to talk? ", he asked with a shrug.

Empty.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon