Chapter 14 -Secretaries & Senior Partners

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Jamie's POV

I looked around in search of her but there were quite a few people around and the place was huge so she could have been anywhere.I knew I was at the right firm though,because Mia told me it was on fifth street,right next to the tailor.

I walked up to the secretary's desk,still
in awe of how huge it was,I had been looking around for a few minutes before I realised I had less than twenty minutes before I needed to be back at school.
"Uh-excuse me?"
The lady looked up at me,her straight hair as boring as the documents laid on her desk.
"How can I help you Sir?",she gave a small smile which showed me she was busy but didn't want to be rude.
"I'm here for Mrs Archer."
"Do you have an appointment?Mrs Archer is really very busy at the moment,it's her first day back",the lady looked at some sort of schedule.
"No,I don't."
"Then I'm afraid there is no way for you to see her",she shrugged and turned to her computer.
"Can you just tell her I'm here to see her and if she doesn't want to see me,I'll leave",I asked earnestly.
The lady looked up at me.
"Jamie Walker",I smiled.
The lady picked up her phone and pressed a button.
"Mrs Archer,there's a Jamie Walker here to see you,I tried to explain how busy-uhh okay",she gave me a shocked look.
"Go ahead",she added.
I walked through the door that had Mia's mother's name on it and the words "Senior Partner" under it and realised just how important she was to this firm.
"Jamie,my son",she smiled.
She seemed so much happier and seeing her in a different environment was something I could get used to.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted-"
"No, I wasn't really doing much.Dana is just the best secretary in the world",she laughed and I noticed how much alike her and Mia actually are.
"I actually just came to see how your first day is going."
"Sit down Jamie,please-uh well it feels good to be back,thank you for showing me that it was time."
I slipped into one of the two chairs that were placed at the opposite end of her desk and smiled at her.
"You don't need to thank me,just glad you're doing okay",I shrugged.
"No, you helped me realise that life goes on, you know we should actually go to lunch so I can spend a little time with you before you get back to school."

"Lunch is almost over, I wish I could though. We'll make plans I promise", I assured her with a smile.
"Hold on, I just realised how far the firm is from school and you came all the way to the firm just to check on me?Did Mia send you?"

"No, I came on my own. "
"You must like my daughter very much", she smiled.

"Actually that's the real reason I'm here", I said looking straight through the window behind her. " I don't know what it is about Mia, she's really something different and ever since the day I met her there's nothing else worth thinking about."

"You're telling me things I already know", Mrs Archer laughed with glee.

"I would do anything to make her happy,I know she's been through a lot and I want to watch her heal and grow from it.I want her to see how amazing she is.",I stopped myself before I rambled on.

Mrs Archer looked at me, she was thinking. I could see it on her face. I made her think. It was as if she was carefully choosing words in her mind, maybe because she was afraid to say the wrong thing. She took a deep breath and then spoke.

" You have to be careful with Mia, she's fragile now. She loves too hard so don't make promises you can't keep, I don't want to see my daughter get hurt again. I've seen her in pain, I've seen her in tears, I've seen her with swollen eyes. I don't want to see her like that again", she said almost reliving what she went through seeing Mia that way.
I knew I'd never want to see that, I'd probably have to kill myself after that.

"I would never want to put her through unnecessary pain. She deserves the happiness she gives to others and if you would let me, I would like to give it to her. "

"My child,you such a good person from what I've seen and it's no secret that you make my daughter happy. You have my blessing but remember she's my little girl so tread lightly.",I swear tears were in her eyes as she smiled at me.

"I would never hurt her,I love her.",was all I managed to get out before she hugged me tightly.

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