Chapter 12 - Parenting & Personal Space

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I reached Mia's house breathless,I ran all the way while dialing her number multiple times.
No answer.
I knocked on the door feeling dizzy,I hadn't eaten this morning because all we had was left over pizza and I was sick of it.
The door opened and Mia's mom shot me a smile.
"Hi Mrs Archer,how are you?",I asked in my most polite voice.
"I'm good son and how are you?"
"Uh-is Mia home?"
"No why is she not at school?"
"Actually no,and I was quite worried about her",I breathed.
"Well come on in,I'll try again",she said opening the door further as if I required a lot of space to enter.
As soon as I did the smell of food greeted my nostrils.
It was like heaven and I swear my stomach was dying.
I followed her to the living room where she grabbed her phone off the coffee table.
She dialed Mia's number and after a few rings there was an answer.
Mia was ignoring me.

"Mia where are you?"
I heard Mia's voice but I couldn't make out what she was saying.
"Oh okay honey,be safe",and with that Mrs Archer ended the call.

I looked at her with a quizzical expression.
"She's at the cemetery",Mrs Archer sighed and sat down on the couch.
"Do you mind if I wait for her?I could wait outside",I shrugged.
"Don't be silly,you can keep me company and besides you don't look well can I get you something?Maybe an asprin and some water?But you can't take that on an empty tummy.You must try some of my chicken stew son!"

Mia's Pov

I entered the house to see a backpack lying in the hallway.
We don't get visitors,they stopped coming around after dad died because everyone knows mom doesn't enjoy entertaining as much as she used to.
I headed to the living room and almost screamed when I saw Jamie asleep on the couch.
I poked him with my finger.
His light brown eyes shot open.
"Mia",he sat up.
"What are you doing here Walker?"
"I was worried about you."
"Why?I'm fine",I rolled my eyes and stood up.
"You weren't this morning."
"Where's my mom?"
"I think I fell asleep so she headed upstairs",he shrugged.
"You think."
"Listen Mia,I can't say I have any idea about what you're going through because obviously I don't.
But what I can say is that I'm here for you no matter what",he said standing up and invading my personal space bubble.
I cover my face with my hands.
"It's just so scary,I can't let you in,you're just going to leave."
"I know it's hard but please trust me.I won't,I promise",he said placing his hand on my cheek.

He made me feel like my entire body was on fire.Like bolts of electricity were just flowing through every single vein in my body.
"The more people you let in the more chances of them walking out",I dropped my head so he had to remove his hand.
It made my train of thought go off the rails.
He sighed.
"I will never walk out on you",Jamie said placing his index finger under my chin and lifting my face up.
I looked directly into his hopeful eyes. Full of promise and hope for a future,a future where Jamie Walker and Mia Archer could actually be something other than awkward.
I swallowed hard as he brought his lips to mine and all my walls came crashing down.
I suffocated in his kiss while his tongue explored my mouth.
It was numbing like novacaine yet I could feel every moment of it.
"This isn't going to end well",I whispered to him as I pulled away from his mouth.
"No, this isn't going to end."

I cleared my throat as my mother entered the room.
"You kept my son waiting for so long",she shook her head.
"It's okay since your mom fed me",Jamie smiled.
"So like I'll see you tomorrow?",I raised my eyebrows as I looked at Jamie.
"Uh-yeah okay...good afternoon Mrs Archer...Mia",he nodded one last time and turned to leave.
I followed him to the hallway as he picked up his backpack.
"See you tomorrow Mia."
"See you tomorrow Jamie."

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