29. Flushed Out

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29. Flushed Out

Did someone say plot twist?

Here I was, lying with the son of the two people who changed the Hunger Games and tried to change Panem forever.

"Crystal?" Shane's voice brought me out of the stunning conclusion. "You're shaking." I flinched when he grabbed my hand. "Is everything okay?"

"You're—you're their son," I whispered. "A-and your sister is their daughter..."

"What are you talking about?"

"You let it slip, Shane. You're a Mellark." It sounded so weird, to associate that last name with Shane.

"I should have stopped when I mentioned my parents," he mused.

"Wait a minute. If your parents are them, why did you say you were used to starving? Your parents should be living in the Victor's Village."

"We were living well until even we went broke. We're just like the rest of Twelve now. Mom's been coaching the family through it since she's known that lifestyle for a while."

I found that hard to believe, but somehow I could believe him. From what I knew of 12, it wasn't a very rich district like 1 or 2 was. They were about as poor as you could possibly get.

"Does anybody else know about this, your bloodline?" I looked up at him.

"Well, you do, and now so does all of Panem."

"How come nobody knew about this?" I probed, curious.

"I didn't want people to know." He shrugged. "I went under a different last name so people wouldn't make the connection."

"Lying about your name could land you in trouble. I don't know what the punishment is for that sort of thing, but I'm sure it's bad."

"Isn't being in the Games punishment enough?" he retorted.

He did make a point there.

"I just didn't want extra attention," he sighed. "When your parents are well known in Panem, you're bound to be in the spotlight. I wanted to keep on the down low and never reveal to the world that I'm their son."

There was no way anybody could have anticipated this leaking out on live television.

"Well, you had pressure on you in the beginning, no matter what," I reminded him.

"Yeah, well, now I bet everyone is expecting me to take the Games for my own since they know," he murmured. "Since I'm their son everybody will expect me to know what I'm doing."

"Do you?"


"I think people will begin to call what we've got the new star-crossed lovers," I scoffed.

"I would be surprised if they didn't."

A loud boom echoed, making me jump to my feet. Shane stood up, shielding me protectively. The Capitol anthem made its way into the cave.

"I'll bet you that was a cannon," Shane said.

Shane took his time in avoiding the acidic water when finding the small path outside the cave. I ran my fingers through my hair as I waited. Who was dead tonight? Bane? Jenna? Bella? Someone I didn't know that was from 10? What about 13's girl, the one who evaded the Career pack last time? I wouldn't mind any of them dying since I wasn't the one who did it.

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