22. Questionable Actions

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22. Questionable Actions

I could just see the back of him. If I could just grab his hood and pull him back, I could shove my knife through his ribs.

He broke through a barricade of shrubs; I jumped through them in hot pursuit. I wasn't going to lose him; I wasn't going to waste all this energy in running only to come to a cold trail.

Once I saw I was close enough, I pounced. I knocked him to the ground, plowing his face into the earth. I yanked his hair, he snarled in outrage. A sharp pain entered my side. I cried out, holding it.

I flew through the air as he knocked me off him. I went rolling onto the ground, my side bleeding. I tried to get to my feet, but he kicked me down onto my back. He sat down beside me, an evil, amused look in his gray eyes. He crashed his leg down on my arm, trapping it.

And here I thought Shane would never have such a side. He didn't seem capable of being evil.

"So pathetic," he cooed. "And here I thought you were the hunter, and I the prey?"

"Bane!" I cried. "Jenna! Help!"

Victor's name caught in my throat. I felt a cold metal against my throat, just barely above it. I breathed carefully, my heart raced anxiously. This was not how it was supposed to end. I wasn't supposed to die by his hand, nor anyone else's. I was supposed to be the victor!

"I wouldn't shout again for help if I were you," he said maliciously. He snickered. "Oh, this is just perfect." He bent down, lips at my ear. "It doesn't do well to hesitate when killing someone. It makes me happy, seeing you in such a scared state. Now you know how it feels for the rest of us when you Careers come after us."

"I didn't hesitate to kill you!" I said venomously. "You stabbed me."

"And you just gave up, you never fought back. Where's the Career killer instinct, Crystal, hmm?"

I couldn't give him an answer to that.

"I'll do something you couldn't." He tried to touch my face, but I shied away from him. He was just making it worse on me, toying with me.

So this is what it felt like, to be the prey, to be tortured as you waited for the final blow to end your life...


"Wake up," a voice said desperately.

I shot awake, pressing myself against the tree. I felt my side. No blood, no wound. I looked around. No Shane, just Victor and Jenna—who were both asleep—and Bane, who was up. I noticed it was daylight, and it was extremely warm.

"Bane?" I breathed. "Did you wake me up?"

"I had to," he said. "You were having a nightmare, I could see it."

"It wasn't anything bad," I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"It wasn't real, so I'm fine."

"If you say so...You seem on edge, Crystal."

"We're in the Hunger Games, Bane. I have every right to be on edge," I snapped. I put my arms around my stomach. "I'm hungry, too."

"I'm sure we all are. We'll hunt today, in pairs."

"You thought of this by yourself?" I looked at him.

The Ultimate Sacrifice (The 107th Hunger Games) [Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now