Chapter 73 ~ How do I say goodbye ~ Epilogue

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Six Years Later.

Isla's POV

Life has a funny way of playing out. I wish I could say the ten of us stayed together as a happy family, but let's be honest, we all knew that wouldn't happen. After I was released from the hospital six years ago, Mrs. Ford met with me, Killian and Sofia. She explained to us that with everything that had been going on in our lives she thought it would be best if she adopted Isabelle, Emma and Isaac. She said we could still see them whenever we wanted too and they could always visit us, but that it wasn't fair to them or us with us raising them. After a lot of time and consideration, with heavy hearts, we agreed. True to Mrs. Ford's words, we saw our younger siblings often.

Shortly after we graduated high school, Sofia found out she was pregnant. We had all expected Killian to be upset, but he was overjoyed with the news of becoming an uncle. Nick also took this as a sign to propose to Sofia and they were married a month later. It was a small and intimate wedding with the ten of us, Tyler's parents, Thomas, Spencer and Zoe. Everything seems great at the moment, but of course nothing ever lasts.

Two weeks after Nick and Sofia got married, Luke's mind started messing with him again. Him seeing me and Hayden together started causing him to act out again. He said he needed to get help and decided it was best for him to get help away from us. He promised that it wasn't a goodbye and that he would come back once he was well. Luke and I kept in touch over the phone and video chat a few times a month, but it wasn't the same as having him here. As time went on, we talked less and less. I get it though. I was proud of him for finally seeking professional help, but it hurt having him gone. Today, Luke is finally coming home, I just wished it could have been for a better occasion.

A month after the wedding, Tyler and Killian also moved out. They ended up sharing an apartment that was about two hours away from our house. They had both gotten accepted into the same college. As time went on, they ended up becoming best friends and before I knew it, they were both dating girls from their college. Killian had told us he had a girlfriend, but he wouldn't tell us who she was. We finally found out who she was when he brought her to Nick and Sofia's daughter's first birthday. It was Zoe. We were completely surprised. Killian and Zoe had been afraid we would be upset that they were dating, but we were thrilled. We had already become close to Zoe. Once a month, her, Sofia, and I would have a girls' day.

Nick and Sofia never moved out. Nick was too traumatized by almost losing me that he couldn't handle us not being in the same house. In his words "I need all three of my girls in the same house so I can protect them." He was referring to me, Sofia and their daughter, Samantha or Sammy as we call her. Nick has truly been like a brother to me, and if I'm honest. I'm glad that Sofia and Nick still live with me. I need them. Sofia is especially happy that we live together because it gives her help with the kids. After having their first daughter, Sofia had another daughter, Skylar, three years later. She is now seven and a half months pregnant with her and Nick's third child. This time they're having a boy.

"Is Tyler and Luke coming?" Nick says as he carries Skylar downstairs.

"I spoke to Luke yesterday, and he said he would be here." I say, taking Skylar out of his arm. "Tyler will definitely be there too."

Sofia waddles into the room with tears running down her face. "I don't know if I can do this. How am I supposed to say goodbye?" She starts crying. "How do I say goodbye?

Nick breaks down as he hugs her, "I don't know. I'm not ready for this either." He kisses her head before he walks out of the room to compose himself.

I wipe my own tears from my eyes as I say, "Sofia, I'm going to pull the car around to the front door so it's easier for you." Sofia nods and takes Skylar out of my arms.

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