Chapter 51 ~ You better damn well tell me

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Luke/Lucas' POV

Why the hell is Hayden coming out of her room without a shirt? I was about to demand some answers, but I saw that Nick was also in her room. With a shirt on, thankfully. I guess along as Nick was also in the room with Hayden and Isla, they couldn't have been doing anything inappropriate, right?

I've noticed lately that Hayden and Isla have been getting a lot closer. A little too close if you ask me. He may be one of my best friends, but he just can't waltz in and take my girl. Isla is my girl. She always has been and always will be. I know we all agree to let her choose who she wants to be with, and we'll all be happy for her, but what I really meant is that she needs to choose me, and then everyone else can be happy for us. Okay, I know I sound a little crazy, but she's been the girl of my dreams for as long as I can remember. I know I can make her the happiest out of all of us.

I pretend to be exploring the house upstairs while she and Nick talk. I try to listen in, but I can't hear a damn thing. Nick is the only guy in this house I don't have to worry about because he is dating Sofia. Plus, he sees Isla as his sister, and she sees him as her brother. Nick and Sofia are a cute couple but are nowhere as cute as Isla and I will be. Nick finally walks out of Isla's room and I knock on her door. "Come in," her sweet voice rings out.

"Hey." I smile at her. "Are you finished unpacking?"

"Yep. How about you?" she questions.

"Yeah, I'm finished. I came to ask you if you need any help, but yeah, I guess not." I look around her room and the first thing I notice is all the pictures she has of us, but of course, my favorite ones are the one of just me and her when we were younger.

"Do you like the house?" she timidly asks. "I've been able to ask a few of the others but you and I haven't really had a chance to talk since we've been home."

I chuckle. She's always wanting to make sure everyone is happy. "Sunshine, we could be living in a cardboard box under a bridge and as long as you were by my side, I would be happy." She turns a dark shade of red. "So, I was thinking since there are no groceries, maybe you and I can go shopping while everyone is still unpacking. Do you want to go with me?"

"Sure. Let's ask the others if there is anything they need."

"Okay. I'll ask everyone and you can meet me downstairs." I don't want her to ask the others what they want and have them invite themselves to tag along with us. I want to be able to spend time with her alone, even if it means at the grocery store.

I start with the people who are on the third floor first since I'm already on the third floor, and it would be stupid for me to go downstairs and then come back up. I ask Tyler first and he just wants some junk food. It's the same for Sofia. Well, those two were easy enough.

Next is Hayden. I knock on his door. "Hey, Luke. What's up?"

Well, well, well, look who found his shirt. I bet he went into her room without a shirt on purpose.

"Hey, I'm going to the store to get some groceries. Is there anything that you need?" I ask.

He walks over to his desk and grabs a sheet of paper that has a list of things on it. "Yeah, I was going to later on to get stuff for dinners, but if you want to pick it up for me that would be great." He hands me over the list, and I look over it. Hell, it's so long that we may be at the store for days trying to find everything. I'm about to walk out of the room, but he stops me. "Who's going with you?"

Well, crap. I didn't want to tell him that it was just me and Isla going. "Umm, Isla and I are going."

He glares at me for a split second before jumping up and grabbing his shoes. "I can go with y'all. It's a really big list."

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