92. Alive Again, (Not) Naturally

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(Lmao who got that title. You know you did.)

I didn't think I'd have to go through this again, but here we go lads.

Please stop demanding me to update. I'm not trying to single out those who have said it on chapters prior, because there are some who have dm'd me. Do not get in contact with me only to tell me to update.

I already said last time I wasn't mad. It's nice to know you guys really like what I write, but going out of your way to text me again even after I've asked you lot to not is testing me. I have a very short fuse.

I have a life. I was trying to spend some time with my family without being on my phone all the time, get some revision done, and (attempt to) relax.

I cannot push out chapters everyday, even though I used to be able to. Back then, I wasn't in my GCSE years and stressing my ass off.

Please, please, please, please, don't make me say this again. It seriously isn't cool. At all. If you want to know if I'm going to update, just ask me if I'm going to update soon, or when I'm planning to. I'm completely fine with questions, there's no harm in them. But don't demand me again, please.

It's nice for me to get that you guys enjoy what I put out. I read all of your comments from the last chapter and they were so sweet (thanks guys ❤️). However, it's not so nice to be treated like I'm just some chapter-maker-5000, I try to put effort into the stuff I do (hopefully you guys can see that lol), so I won't be pumping out too many chapters in the same week, unless I have a massive brain wave for no reason.

I'm not mad, and don't think I'm mad at you if you asked me to update, or did tell me to, but at least after saying something beforehand.

I know it's been over about a week I think, but I will update when I get the chance. I have to go over stuff that I've already uploaded too, yanno.

I absolutely love all of you, you guys are so supportive of every lil thing I do in this stupid fanfic. Don't go and try to find anyone who I've mentioned, please. (You're probably thinking "why the fuck would I do that?!", I know, I know, just gonna be cautious.)

Anyway, sorry for that complete rant. Here's the chapter.

(Call backs to some previous chapters, where I've added shit so you probably may not remember stuff that is mentioned, so don't worry that you've missed a chapter or something.)

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Sam's P.O.V

Instantaneously my body moves away from him, and for a few seconds I don't notice that I'm panting or shaking as I try to scoot further into the wall behind me.

The smile on his face drops, and I stare in fear as his hands reach out for me.


But I don't respond, my mind too encompassed by the heavy memories that weighs down my chain of thought.

"You're not Jerome," I conclude, acting oblivious to the way his eyes dampen ever so slightly. "Jeremiah got Tetch to turn a civilian into you, he made you so you would die in front of me again. It's punishment because I ran away, Jeremiah's going to kill you and hurt me again and-"

"Again?" The ginger before me rehearses, the bluey-green eyes I fell in love with darkening, along with his tone. "That motherfucker hurt you? Did he touch you? Did he make you do anything you didn't wanna do? I'll chop his balls off with a fucking spoon!"

My breath quickens. He looks so much like he used to, before he died the first time. Why would Jeremiah do this to me? Does he really love seeing my pain that much?

Crazy for You - Valeska Brothers x Female OC (Gotham)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt